Tablet Ownership Grows in a Popular Market

If 18-25 year olds are a popular audience for your content, you will be happy to hear that, according to Pearson Foundation, tablet ownership is up three times among college students.

Tablets, the most valuable tool for digital publishers, are believed to replace textbooks within the next five years, according to those students surveyed.

As for the numbers, 7% of college students reported having tablets in 2011. This year that number is up to 25%.

High school seniors were another group that have taken to tablets, as ownership has quadrupled among them, with 4% owning them in 2011 while 17% report owning them now.


As for believing tablets will take over for textbooks, 63% of college students and 69% of high school seniors share this sentiment.

And although this market is already strong, it is expected to grow as 36% of college students and 26% of college-bound high school students expect to purchase a tablet within the next six months.

For publishers who don’t create textbooks, there is no need to worry as tablets are used for school and personal use nearly the same.

Perhaps this growth in tablet ownership for younger age groups will persuade publishers to a comprehensive digital publishing strategy.


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