Watch this revealing Mequoda/SIPA Webinar on SEO Copywriting: Improving Search Engine Visibility by Writing to be Found.Discover 18 priceless, real-world tips and a step-by-step formula that will transform you into a better SEO copywriter and receive our SEO Copywriting Handbook as a free bonus.Dear publishing colleague, Do you ever wish that your well-written journalism, or convincing promotional copy, would get more exposure in Google? Do you wish someone would finally tell you, or better yet, show you, a precise step-by-step process for getting page-one rankings in Google? If so, you’re in luck, because this webinar will teach you to write search-engine-optimized sales letters and blog posts that get found, using a step-by-step formula that Peter Schaible, Mequoda’s Chief Copywriter and host of this webinar, uses daily in his copywriting assignments. You will leave this webinar knowing the 8-step process for optimizing online content. By following these 8 steps for optimizing a landing page, or an article post, your copy will finally have a chance of getting found by Google. Ignoring these steps will unfortunately leave your web pages invisible to the search engines. During the Mequoda/SIPA SEO Copywriting Webinar, you will discover the:
Here’s the bottom line: If you embrace SEO copywriting and master these simple rules and tips, your webpage copy will have a fighting chance of being found and indexed by the Google crawlers. [bttn_webinar] As a journalist-turned-copywriter-turned-SEO enthusiast, I’m curious: Which of these is your greatest SEO copywriting challenge?
I personally enjoy the unique challenges SEO copywriting presents. But I also know this isn’t exactly easy. If you’re an SEO copywriting specialist, online editor, audience development manager, or have any responsibility for Internet content, you know that competition in the online publishing world is accelerating at a mind-boggling pace. Perhaps the most contentious issue: The ever-escalating battle for page-one dominance in the Google search results. Even if you’ve been a direct response copywriter for many years, the new best practices of search-engine-optimized copywriting can be a daunting challenge. If you don’t know all the latest SEO copywriting secrets… If you’re not certain how to get the best results… If your online sales letters and posts aren’t converting as you hoped… You’re not alone. The necessity of writing to be found by Google has altered many of the “traditional” rules about creating persuasive sales copy. In fact, since the advent of Google as the world’s most popular search engine, there’s been a genuine “paradigm shift.” In the race to win the Google “popularity” contest, even the most experienced copywriters have been sent back to the starting line. The result? Every veteran print wordsmith must master the new SEO copywriting secrets in order to stay competitive and perform at the top of his game. Sure, carefully crafting persuasive copy is still important, but writing to be found by Google is paramount. [bttn_webinar] Is there a magic formula or SEO copywriting “Rosetta Stone”?Nobody can claim to know everything about the Google algorithms that drive organic search results. The playing field keeps changing – Google made more than 550 changes to the search engine in 2009! But at Mequoda, we continually research what works on Google, and we have been publishing SEO copywriting secrets for more than five years. We created a system for identifying and tracking keyword search phrases. It has enabled us to achieve top-10 returns for many of the keyword search phrases we want most for our own website – and for our consulting clients. But identifying the keywords is only half the task. Using them frequently and naturally in an online sales letter or post is a professional copywriter’s job. It requires copywriting finesse. For instance, suppose you’re optimizing for the keyword phrase “online copywriting secrets.” Did you know that when the Google bots crawl your webpages, they don’t recognize punctuation? That means your keyword phrase can span two sentences. Example: She was an expert at online copywriting. Secrets she had learned from Mequoda proved to be invaluable. Believe it or not, little tricks like that can add up to top search engine rankings. [bttn_webinar] Can you afford to ignore the realities of SEO copywriting in 2010?Now you can discover how to write keyword-rich, search-optimized, rapid conversion landing pages and articles that Google will index and send lots of traffic, based on as many as 20 keywords. Invest 90 minutes and learn the step-by-step tips and techniques of SEO copywriting that can drive your landing pages and articles to the top of Google’s search results. Your coach will be Peter Schaible, Mequoda’s Chief Copywriter. Peter has written more search-engine-optimized, rapid conversion landing pages and article posts than anyone else in the online publishing industry. He’s a master of the tips, tricks and techniques that the Mequoda team has proven to be effective. And he’ll share them all with you – without holdback or hesitation. In just 90 minutes, Peter can have you up to speed and writing your own search-engine-optimized sales letters and blog posts. During the Mequoda SEO Copywriting Webinar, you will discover 18 pieces of information that should be considered as priceless to copywriters, online editors and any other position in control of written copy designed for the Internet. But repeat the same old SEO copywriting mistakes and your blog posts and webpages will be doomed to lower positions in Google, Yahoo! and Bing. SEO copywriting coaching from a source you can trustSince 1994, the Mequoda team has helped design, launch and optimize dozens of America’s most successful Internet marketing systems including Beading Daily; Ceramics Arts Daily; Consumer Reports; Corporate Wellness Advisor; Daily Word; Flight Bliss; fuelNet; Golf Vacation Insider; HR Daily Advisor; Johns Hopkins Health Alerts; Knitting Daily; Morningstar; Mother Earth Living; Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School; RCR Wireless; Tech Republic; TSI Network and Vida y Salud. Now you can join the growing list of companies to whom we have taught SEO copywriting and provided consultation. [bttn_webinar] Don’t miss this opportunity to become an SEO copywriting expert. Cordially, Don Nicholas Executive Director, Mequoda Group, LLC Chief Architect, Mequoda WordPress Systems Editor-in-Chief, Mequoda Daily Network — P.S. If you’re a copywriter, you expect to find some pithy summary advice in the sales letter post script, and a promise of satisfaction. Well, here it is:
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Featured Speaker: Peter A. Schaible Chief Copywriter Editor-at-Large Mequoda Group |