Kindle for Publishers: How to Publish Digital Books, Magazines & Newsletters on America’s #1 eReader Application Platform (and Why You Should Now)
In 90 minutes, you’ll discover the state of the eReader industry and how you can join the pool of innovative publishers who have already starting reaching their customers on this revolutionary platform.
In addition to the Kindle, learn which other eReaders are worth focusing your digital publishing efforts on, the pros and cons associated with each, and the step-by-step process for creating and publishing your digital books and subscriptions for different formats.
Dear publishing colleague,
The most major change to our industry that will happen to 2010 is the rise in popularity of eReaders. Even more, we are actually being handed all of the tools to make our publications digital and available on multiple platforms, with little effort on our part.
Your first question should be… how can I make this happen?
Your second question should be… which platforms make sense for my publication?
In 2010, it’s all about “who got there first”. If your competitor is already offering a magazine subscription on the Kindle, or offers a periodically updated iPhone app… are you sure that your customers will wait for you to step up to the plate?
Not only is the loyalty of your customers on the line, but right now you have the opportunity to be a big fish in a small pond. By the end of 2010, your publication may only be one of thousands of publications listed on these highly popular eReaders.
According to a recent study by Forrester, the top three platforms that customers wanted to buy on an eReader were books (50%), Magazines (36%) and Newspapers (33%).
Are you ready to adapt and move forward on the platforms that your customers are already using?
Key topics covered in this webinar:
- How 2010 eReaders will change the market for publishers
- How to format your publications for eReaders
- Comparisons between all the major devices that apply to periodical publishers
- Pricing strategies and profit margins for each device
- How ePUB is quickly changing the eReader industry and what that means to your production process
- Software apps for iPhone and desktop that you should consider distributing on
- Specifics on DRM and who has the rights to your content
- The delegation of customer service issues, depending on which platform you choose
- A task list of items you can accomplish right away, and a laundry list of items to tackle in the coming months
- Which platforms are solid, and which platforms may be a waste of time
The future of eReaders in 2010 and what it means for publishers
In 2009, it’s predicted that 3 million eReaders will have been sold by the end of the Christmas season. For 2010, experts predict that the number of eReaders sold will raise to 10 million. Those are no small numbers.
Of that 10 million, Amazon is predicted to claim 60% of the market with their Kindle.
Sarah Rotman Epps of Forrester says that 2010 will see a major boom in sales because of “falling device prices, more content availability, better retail distribution, and lots and lots of media buzz”.
The verdict is still out on the Barnes & Noble Nook, the only direct competitor to the Kindle which similarly offers not only books, but also magazines and newspapers.
But in addition to the Kindle and the Nook, there’s the rumored Apple tablet and the new publication store that will soon be a part of iTunes.
With these three highly competitive readers, in addition to the iPhone, Internet and desktop apps, it’s important to be clear on where you’ll stand when your customers start knocking on your digital door.
Getting your publication listed on Kindle doesn’t have to be so hard
It’s true that when it comes to getting your publication listed on the Kindle, that it’s more of a “we’ll come to you” process.
Luckily, we have a little secret “hack” we’ll show you so that you can sell your magazine, newspaper or newsletter subscription on the Kindle and retain 100% of the revenue.
We’ll also show you the simple process for loading your books and blogs into the Kindle store, including formatting requirements.
Join the army of innovative magazine, newsletter and newspaper publishers who are leading the force in being flexible online publishers
This webinar is for publishers who are looking to expand their reach and satisfy both their existing audience and meet an entirely new audience.
Don’t wait to be a small fish in a big pond… innovative publishers are already publishing their content on multiple platforms, and these eReaders are most definitely one of the simplest mediums to maintain.
All the tools and know-how you’ll need will be at your fingertips after our 90-minute webinar comes to a close. You could begin to immediately improve your relationships with customers who may have never received your publications.

Amanda MacArthur
Educational Services Director
Mequoda Group |