Tag: website network
A minimum of two websites where one is a free Mequoda Internet Hub and the other is one of the seven Mequoda Website Satellite Archetypes. Websites in the network may be owned by a single organization, but may include websites owned by many organizations bound together through affiliate-merchant agreements. Separating one complex website into several simple websites increases usability, which drives user satisfaction, brand loyalty and long term profits.
Your email capture rate (ECR) is calculated by dividing the number of new email subscribers your website captures each month, by the number of unique new visitors passing through
Creating the best subscription website business models starts with understanding your minimum information units—both the free minimum information units you'll use to build a loyal audience and the premium minimum information
For the first many years as a publisher, you had one goal and only one goal: increase magazine subscriptions.
Audience development personnel have a very specific, and incredibly important job, within an organization. Writing an audience development job description and then finding the right audience development staff can mean
Since 2006 we have held these fourteen guidelines as the most fundamental principles of the best website design.
Every website is unique to its own audience, so you can't include things
Back in the 1990s, many publishers distributed their controlled-circulation or free magazine as a download from their website or something they would send out as an attachment to an email.
Choosing the right business model and supporting infrastructure for any business is a key strategy for business success, especially in website publishing.
Gas stations, supermarkets and bookstores are all retail businesses.
In 2017, all major publishers and most independents have a website portal. What 95% don’t have is a web magazine. But those who do are flourishing.
In today's Strategy Spotlight, Don
Premium newsletters and advisory services represent the pinnacle of subscription marketing, often commanding annual membership or subscription fees that are much higher than magazines.
If your goal is to generate advertising and sponsorship revenue from a free newsletter or advisory service with a robust subscription and advertising website, the Mequoda Haven CXMS can do
Mequoda Systems empowers multiplatform publishers to grow audience, revenue, and profits by integrating web, email, and fulfillment systems into a seamless Customer Experience Management System (CXMS). Mequoda clients routinely double,
If your goal is generate paid subscriptions and revenue for a premium magazine business with a robust subscription website, keep following along.
In today's Strategy Spotlight, Don Nicholas, Chairman & CEO
If your goal is to generate advertising and sponsorship revenue from a free newsletter or advisory service with a robust subscription and advertising website, the Mequoda Haven CXMS can do
A Mequoda subscription website Portal generates value from both users and sponsors
Mequoda has guided the development of more than a 300 successful niche media websites on a wide variety of niche media
Coming up with the right content business model(s) can be the biggest stumbling block for those looking to grow a publishing business.
Choosing your content focus is a business-critical decision, as
The freebie content business model is one website we build for all of our Mequoda Gold Members
Choosing your content focus is a business-critical decision, as the focus you choose pretty
Write an online magazine editor job description like a product description for a Swiss Army knife
Can you remember life before the internet, when a personal computer was another name for
Here at Mequoda we can never stress enough the value of a free portal to any subscription website, no matter what archetype it is. It’s the key to driving website
Mequoda Multiplatform Publishers build profitable Mequoda Pyramids with a Mequoda Matrix as their guide and a Mequoda Portal as their foundation…
Over the past several weeks, we've rolled out a foundation
With an online editor’s job description changing from print to digital, it’s important to understand the role for digital publishing success
In order to succeed online, publishers need to have staff
One of Mequoda’s primary reasons for being is to help legacy publishers cross the digital divide.
And when it comes to Farm Progress, we’re talking serious legacy publishing – a
How recycling, repurposing, and repackaging content can create alignment in your marketing efforts
The number of steps required to create an effective audience development plan often confuses people new to organic
Publishers using Adobe DPS for their magazine apps should be thrilled that their most recent update includes the ability for users of the app to "pin" their favorite articles. If
You can build email circulation over forty different ways, and we've got all the case studies to prove it! If you’re subscribed to our email newsletter, then you’re living proof
We introduced our 49-steps for starting and running an online business this past week at Fool University
Kim and I had the pleasure of spending a full day with the folks
A Portal Subscription Website Archetype aggregates content from outside sources. Portals are intended to build and feed an audience; they are specifically designed for SEO, email marketing, list building, and
The Mequoda Method, when run as a repeating cycle of management behaviors, creates an audience- driven, continuous-improvement media management system.
Mequoda is a term coined by Internet entrepreneur and website developer
An Internet Hub is very robust, offering tons of useful information for free. It is designed to maximize online advertising inventory. State-of-the-art Internet Hubs offer users email newsletters, blogs, email
Can you give us any advice on the website strategy for an online advertising agency?
The website we are constructing is intended to convert leads for our digital marketing services. Have
Come to Mequoda’s Online Publishing and Content Marketing Summit to discover the possibilities of an effective online publishing system when you model after publishers who are doing it right
If you’ve
Less than two weeks left to get our lowest price on this Internet marketing event for publishers
An affordable link-building strategy: Use downloadable content to increase inbound links and build online friendships
Search engine optimized Rapid Conversion Landing Pages convert casual visitors into loyal email subscribers.
Unbelievable but true: We’re willing to reveal all of our secrets and provide you with a detailed blueprint for success — no kidding! All the documentation behind our state-of-the-art Mequoda
Why adding a job board to your website could both increase revenue and help the economy
Just because the economy isn’t doing so hot right now, doesn’t mean that every business
A minimum of two websites where one is a free Mequoda Internet Hub and the other is one of the seven Mequoda Website Satellite Archetypes. Websites in the network may
Similar in concept to OFIEs, an OFIN is an "Order Form in Navigation". While they are usually smaller in size than OFIEs, their strategic intent is the same: to quickly
A term first used by Internet entrepreneur and website developer Don Nicholas to describe a method for designing and managing websites and website networks. The term is an acronym for
A simple, easy-to-use website that offers users free content and community in return for registration and brand loyalty. The website earns money by referring loyal users to one of more
Seven Strategies that Successful Publishers are Using to Turn their Traditional Publishing Brands into Internet-Centric Media Companies
Two standard business models that support the long tail and make money online
Download ourcomplimentary report today and learn how to compete with today's toppublishers by using the most profitable seven online publishing secrets.
Convert more website visitors into buyers or subscribers from any page on your site by using these 6 methods
Paid media programs balance your Internet marketing system
While patience is a required virtue for earned media programs, paid media programs offer the Mequoda Marketing System operator the opportunity for quick
Key components of the Mequoda Internet Marketing System
The launch and operation of a Mequoda Marketing System can be divided into four phases. Most of the steps in each phase are
All online direct response transactions begin on landing pages
Mequoda research indicates that on most websites, a maximum of 20 percent of the traffic arrives at the home page. In fact,
t's September 2007 and 2008 online publishing budgets are being prepared far and wide.How will you budget online expenses and revenues for 2008? To give you a hand, download
Create interweaving websites with specific strategies
When you think of your online business, are you thinking of a website, or are you thinking of a network of websites?
The distinction is very
Treat the Internet as a unique medium with multiple platforms
Content delivery has constantly evolved over the centuries—and it is not going to stop now.
There was word of mouth and tall
Celebrity news sites are making gains on the Mequoda Blog 100 with content added several times an hour
The February results are in for the Mequoda Blog 100, our list of
Top Chef, Iron Chef, Rachel Ray, Bobby Flay—seems like America's new favorite hobby is cooking. Publisher Cook's Illustrated is also in the mix with a TV Show, a website network