It's hard to determine how to spend both your time, and your resources within a business. The way we look at every decision you make is this:
Is whatever you're thinking
Social Media Optimization (SMO) is what we call the process of optimizing your content and your business, for social media.
Typically, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes first. This is the process
Typically we find that content falls into three buckets: news, evergreen, and blockbuster. Most Mequoda partners publish these three content types daily because each type serves a different purpose.
News content
Last week we discussed scorecards and how they can help you increase the engagement and profitability of your site. The social scorecard is a great way to use other forms
Our top-read audience development posts of 2017 give valuable insight into email and copywriting best practice methods.
We've put together our most-read audience development posts from 2017 on the Mequoda Daily.
How to listen to the data from your audience development efforts and move forward
The inability to see the forest for the trees means that the detail of leaves, pinecones and the immensity
Ernest Hemingway once said, "We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master."
Perfection in editorial management is a fallacy. There will always be deadlines that
Are your social posts converting fans and followers into buyers? You may never know until you start implementing social media tracking.
Whenever we publish a new article on Mequoda, we use
Save a few notches on your social stress meter by using these social media calendars to get ahead
Social media is my favorite thing to write about next to recycling content
Looking for the latest SMO news? Twitter, Google and Facebook are always making changes and it can be hard to keep up with the latest updates but is a
What comes to mind when you hear the terms: email marketing, search engine optimization, social media optimization and link building?
‘Primary traffic drivers’ should come to the minds of digital
49 steps, including organic and paid marketing options, for running a successful online business
A proven approach to digital publishing being utilized by major brands incorporates the use of SEO, SMO
The Mequoda System Strategy Workshop has been updated to include 49 steps for launching and running a successful online business
I recently spoke to a friend and colleague about our upcoming
Why our Open Content Standards are so unique
We are currently in the middle of researching for our second Mequoda Open Content Standards adoption study. Unsurprisingly, publishers using an open content
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