The Motley Fool Website Provides Relevant and Engaging Content in a Readily Accessible Fashion, Combining Effective Use of Content Webification, Relationship and Community Building and Proper Navigation
Tom and David Gardner is a Pay-For-Access, Online Database of Incalculable Value to Freelance Writers that Cross-Sells Print Publications and other Products Owned by its Publisher as it Helps Build a Priceless Customer
The Most Pressing Question About is the Strategy of the Site. Is it a True Content Site or Just Marketing Print Subscriptions?
Vanity Fair is one of those cultural icons is an Excellent Example of a Publisher Taking Advantage of the Synergies Between Audience Information Needs and Technology's Ability to Facilitate the Satisfaction of Those Needs, an online edition Pays Homage to Benjamin Franklin by Making its Owners Wealthy. Twenty-first Century Publishers Take Note: There is Wisdom in Adopting this Business Model
Financial independence has many rewards beyond the
Mr. Levinson has been busy practicing, developing and evangelizing guerrilla marketing since 1984, with great success. Many startups and small companies use Mr. Levinson's techniques to produce tangible results with Epitomizes Great Website Graphic Design and is a Perfect Partner to Real Simple Magazine. So is it a Brand Site or a Membership Website? Is its Objective Lead Generation
During 2005, our intrepid research team put the Mequoda Website Design Scorecard to work by using it to perform expert reviews of 48 media websites. With a high score of
While Persistent Navigation is Now Rather Common, Site Owners Mustn't Become Complacent. Users Must be Crystal Clear About Where They Are, Where They Can Go and How they Can Get
Let the Good Times Roll: is a Marketing and Branding Website for its Namesake
According to his website, Guy Kawasaki is a managing director of Garage Technology Ventures, an early-stage
How to Make Money Selling Other People's Books
Many of the best affiliates of are losing opportunities to make money. Poor navigation on their web sites and lack of attention
Is Jean Chatzky, the Latest Pop Personal Financial Adviser, Well Served by a Website that Confuses Visitors with Too Many Options and Stale Content? Jean Chatzky is the latest
Although it Scores Well in Many of Mequoda's Website Design Guidelines, as a Whole is not as Satisfying as its Individual Parts. A fascinating blend of religious goals
The Economist is the premier weekly news and international affairs publication with an average circulation of over one million copies a week. The Economist began publishing in 1843. According to
No matter how profitable a website can be, using “conventional” revenue sources, like’s classified approach (augmented by banners and context-specific ads), new revenue possibilities appear after analyzing the site’s
A Well-Planned Strategy, Attractive Website Design and Thoughtful Attention to User Tasks Makes an Absolute Blueprint for an Effective Magazine Marketing Website Is Not Your Typical Ecommerce Website—or Is It? The Business Model is Based on the Internet's Holy Trinity: Content, Community and Commerce and its Website Design is Perfectly Suitable Demonstrates That a Mequoda Internet Hub Can Be Informative, Attractive, Engaging and Smart, While Linking Visitors to Both its Own Satellite Sites and Those of Other Publishers
America's Test Kitchen Website, a Network Hub Positioned to Extend Visitors from the Television to the Web to the Printed Word, Demonstrates Extraordinary Website Architecture in Satisfying Users' Need for, the Online Home of Executive Travel Magazine, While Demonstrating Good Readability and Affordance, Tries to do Too Much From One Site, Causing Brand Confusion, Task Incompletion and Lack of
Readability, Aesthetics and Labeling Help's Users Feel Right at Home, but Navigation and Affordance in's Website Design are Confusing to Users, and Could be Losing Potential Sales
Personnel Policy Service Publishers is Plagued by Poor Organization and Uninspiring Graphic Design, Degrading a Site That Otherwise Offers Both Useful Free Content and Premium Products
The Daily Reckoning Website, a Network Hub for its Financial Newsletters and Services, Demonstrates Effective Website Design and Site Architecture that Supports User Tasks and Goals, While Offering Great Editorial Content and Interesting Features, Obscures Much of its Worthy Attributes with Mediocre Design and Undemonstrative Labeling, Making the Site Difficult to Explore.
Devoting Too Much Homepage Real Estate to Website Navigation and Graphic Images Demonstrates a Compromise in the Selling Power of Text—a Major Mistake for a Lead Generation Site like
In the past few months, I've seen results from three different magazine publishers that have each literally turned their source mix on its head. For each of them, a simple
Integrity and professionalism abound on the Briefings Publishing Group's website, but their “all business” approach may be responsible for letting a lot of potential business remain unsold. It seems’s, while a very viable and intriguing online content model, makes some critical areas in their website design practices, lagging behind their peers in the areas of community building, affordance
Advertising-driven makes the crucial mistake of forgetting that readers must first find the content they seek, or they won’t hang around long enough to maximize the valuable advertising inventory
When you’re preparing a Powerpoint presentation for that important sales meeting, and you just can’t figure how to get your bullets to line up just so, wouldn’t it be great
We are still in the dawn of the Internet age and is one of the early lights in the crowded online investment information sky. A well-designed site with a
BabyCenter LLC, is just what it sounds like. Much like the community center in the local church, this site helps anxious parents and parents-to-be find answers to everything they need.
Although similar, the content of Advertising Age and is not the same. does not contain the full editorial content of the print edition. Nor does the print edition
It’s a truism that income opportunities from trade books, i.e. books sold through channels like Barnes & Noble and, are very limited. To earn a fair and reasonable living,
Providing news and information on how to comply with Federal laws and international banking regulations is the niche addressed by this subscription website
Established print publications, especially trade publications, typically have a hard time letting go of their print roots and embracing all the new functionality and usability features that are required for describes itself as "the all-inclusive online destination for publishers, retailers, librarians, agents, authors, distributors, studio executives, screenwriters, publicists, book groups and more!" It's an accurate description.
VNU Business Media, publisher
Since we're now coming out of a long, snowbound New England winter with a few more pounds on the frame than we had in September, we thought we might take
I’ve had spinal meningitis, cancer, diabetes and attention deficit disorder. OK, not really. But I think I might qualify as a hypochondriac, along with a certain percent of the WebMD claims to be the largest online auto insurance agency in the United States. In a May of 2004 press release, it announced results of a survey showing that its
With a final score of B, is a site, or a "network" of sites, that is already far better than average, but could be truly outstanding if only they
When Editor Don Nicholas asked me to review, I was a bit hesitant. After all, he served as the Company's CEO from its inception until 2003, when he ventured
Reviewing, the “largest paid subscription news site on the Web," feels a little like the being the kid in the children’s story "The Emperor’s New Clothes." In the story,
Of all the dot-com companies that were launched in the 1990s, it can be argued that is the most successful. Twenty-four percent of all e-commerce in the United States