If your magazine doesn’t have a consistent social media presence by now, then you’re light years behind the competition. It used to be a struggle to get buy-in from the
If you've considered starting an online magazine, or are a legacy print magazine considering going digital, you've asked this question: How do online magazines generate revenue? And the answer is
Who worries most about the money in their bank account? The person with three jobs, or the person with one? Because you can get fired, laid off, or your industry
At a recent networking event amongst publishers, the owner of a publication for teen health asked a Mequoda team member if it was worth launching a print magazine to go
The Internet has made it cheap, easy and efficient to launch new streams of niche media revenue. Choosing your content focus is a business-critical decision, as the focus you choose
There I was, getting my hair cut at the village barbershop. The barber was a thirtysomething woman who was new to the shop.
While making small talk, she came to the inevitable
Sometimes media revenue streams flow, and sometimes they dry up
How are you generating media revenue? I hope your response isn't limited to one answer. Please, take all the time you
If you are a magazine publisher, you are a digital magazine publisher. You are online, and hopefully you have a digital edition of your magazine. But that may be all
Have you noticed an uptick in your online ad revenue?
If so, take pride in keeping pace with the rest of the industry. 2015 has seen a jump, from several sources.
The digital landscape gives publishers the opportunity to provide a variety of content on different devices. This versatility is expanding the idea of what a digital magazine can be.
Panna, for
Social media revenue grows for public relations firms and advertising agencies
How effectively is social media being used by PR firms and advertising agencies?
A recent study conducted by the Transworld Advertising
Creating the World’s Most Popular Website for Entrepreneurial Capitalists
With 2006 revenues estimated at more than $510 million, up from an estimated $460 million for 2005, the newly formed Forbes Media
The Mequoda Internet Hub is the heart of a high-performance Internet Marketing System that is fueling extreme growth for the handful of savvy information marketers that have one. Here are