What to look for in lead management software, from Haven Nexus to Eloqua, Marketo, Hubspot and others
Make money by giving content away.
That statement sounds odd to many people in publishing
It’s a simple thing, but it can have a huge impact.
Some marketers have noticed that the first thing a reader usually sees when their email shows up in the preview
In 2016, our clients, who we affectionately call our Gold Members, have followed the Mequoda Method using our Haven Nexus CXMS and have seen tremendous gains in traffic year over year.
Coming up with the right content business model(s) can be the biggest stumbling block for those looking to grow a publishing business.
Choosing your content focus is a business-critical decision, as
Prato will work with a cross-functional team made up of Haven Nexus Software Engineers, QA engineers and subject matter experts to implement Mequoda Systems.
In Mequoda’s history, one of our most
This dynamic duo is turning a regional parenting publication into a booming multiplatform publishing company
The Mequoda Multiplatform Publishing Hall of Fame, founded in 2006 to recognize publishing executives at the
If you maintain a keyword universe like we do for our clients, you may want to follow our lead on this update
Mequoda is built on a structure of best practices. Best
The freebie content business model is one website we build for all of our Mequoda Gold Members
Choosing your content focus is a business-critical decision, as the focus you choose pretty
Claim your FREE digital copy of our 2016 Mequoda American Magazine Reader Study & Handbook: Multiplatform Magazine Reader Habits and Digital Publishing Best Practices now.
Having a startup magazine in the finance and health publishing niche used to be a slow crawl to success, but has Google changed that?
Publishers are seeing big increases and decreases
Register now, or wait another year to attend this one-day workshop.
I’ll keep this short, because I know you’re busy. Registration for the upcoming one-day Digital Magazine Publishing Workshop closes in one week. If you
Like the best email subject lines, report titles should be short and sweet
In today’s multiplatform publishing world, there’s no such thing as standing still. So when data starts whispering “change”
Please hurry! Your Early Bird price ends at midnight tonight
Your chance to exercise frugality in attending our one-day Digital Magazine Publishing Workshop ends at midnight tonight.
Perhaps you noted our earlier emails
The answers will surprise you
At Mequoda, we’re deeply opposed to guessing.
That’s why we’re so devoted to testing and statistics, which is how we developed our Mequoda Method and made it
Put down the sunscreen and register before summer fever sets in
So, look, I know you're headed on vacation in the next week or so, but we have an early bird
Mequoda wants no publisher to be left behind
I can talk until I’m blue in the face about how well the Mequoda Method works in helping legacy print magazine publishers make
What most publishers of niche magazines don't realize is that coming up with an editorial calendar is just as much work as producing the evergreen content itself.
This certified Mequoda Master will step into Ed Coburn’s shoes
We’ve come a very long way since 2013.
Back in the day, Mequoda was a modest 15-person organization, with one lead consultant
If you’ve been reading here about the journey from legacy print publishing to digital magazine publishing, it may sound almost too confusing to contemplate
The journey involves everything from creating a
Learn everything from pricing to copy platforms, and watch the print-to-digital upgrades roll in
The beauty of the digital era in publishing is that it doesn’t just give you a new
Set up your marketing based on data and continual improvement to reap big profits
One thing that troubles publishers who are planning to make the move to multiplatform publishing is how
There’s no such thing as publishing a magazine.
The fact is, if you want to transition your business from the traditional print model to 21st-century publishing – and the profits it
Whether they are best practices for running an online business or best practices for sailing, there is always something to be learned from others
I’ve been asked many times, “what is
There’s no such thing as publishing a magazine.
The fact is, if you want to transition your business from the traditional print model to 21st-century publishing – and the profits it
At Mequoda, we talk a lot about individual pieces of the Mequoda System in our Daily posts. But the Mequoda System, known in full as the Mequoda Multiplatform Media Management
Social media for magazines should be equal parts branding and content marketing – with a new perspective on why magazines really market content on social
One of our clients recently conducted a
When we set out more than a decade ago to construct the most profitable niche publishing strategy for magazines, we took a big risk on how the new media industry
What to look for in community management systems from Haven Thread, to Simple:Press to Kunena
Forums really leverage some of the best things about the Internet. Sometimes called message boards, forums
One major benefit niche publishers have, and how to leverage it to create a more effective digital marketing plan for all of your articles.
Have you ever felt like a really
Your multi-platform marketing automatically improves when you plan, build and optimize a successful multi-platform publishing business – the Mequoda way
Over the years I've personally worked with hundreds of media brands
2015 was a blockbuster year for our Gold Members who, when following the Mequoda Method and using the Haven Nexus CXMS, have seen tremendous gains in traffic year over year.
Publishers will grow quickly when they embrace an integrated multiplatform publishing system for audience, content and teams
Most multiplatform publishing companies didn't start out as multiplatform, unless you consider the web
For print magazines and newsletters, subscription websites offer a plethora of ways to gain publishing revenue with little upfront cost
Legacy publications should be ultra focused on how to create dynamic
Consumers are deciding to pay for online content as they tire of filtering the whole Internet for high-quality articles
"So I've figured out how to get traffic -- how do I
The Mequoda Rocket Award, which premiered in 2009, was originally created by looking at a large sample of online publishing websites. In 2010, we started looking only at Mequoda Gold
"We've used the Mequoda Method to more than double our digital memberships," says Susan Laden, newest member of the Mequoda Multiplatform Publishing Hall of Fame.
The Mequoda Multiplatform Publishing Hall of Fame,
Portals are seen most often because not only are they a profitable model on their own, they’re also intended to build and feed an audience for affiliated premium subscription websites.
Many publishers believe in single-topic email newsletter templates in which every article of content is aligned around the same theme, in order to promote a related product. The exception to
A look at all the different fees you might encounter when choosing digital magazine publishing software
Digital magazine publishing software comes in all forms, capabilities, and prices. In the past we've
Digital magazine publishing software is used by publishers to design, produce and publish digital magazines. These three functions may or may not reside in the same tools. For example, you
One service that we offer to our gold member clients, that is often part of the ongoing process of keeping publishers on task, is performing social media audits. This process
Google Panda has been strong-arming content producers into improving their content since 2011. Occasionally they update their algorithm, just like they recently updated Pirate 2.0 and Penguin 3.0., to make
The Mequoda Multiplatform Publishing Hall of Fame, founded in 2006 to recognize publishing executives at the top of their game, has now expanded to 11 members, with the induction of
“Give consumers what they want.” That’s both the motto and the business model at Prime Publishing, where a whopping 17 craft websites and 13 food sites – including one recently-launched
Search is the most fundamental element of content marketing. If you thought social media was the silver bullet, you were wrong. It's at least a bronze bullet, but social media
One of the most revolutionary things about the Internet for the publishing industry is that it has allowed people who might never have had access to an audience to become
Publishers have one major thing to think about in the next couple of years. What is the future of digital content?
Ten years ago, the question might have simply been "What
Established in 2006 to honor individuals and organizations who advance the art and science of digital publishing, the Mequoda Digital Publishing Hall of Fame now includes nine members.
Each year, as the Mequoda team gets together with our Gold Members at our annual Mequoda Gold Member Summit, there's a bit of magic in the air, it feels like