An email newsletter is a powerful digital marketing tool that provides valuable content to audience members. Most email newsletters provide products or advertising in additional to high-quality content. Most online publishers will ask audience members for permission to send them email newsletters, particularly due to laws and credibility reasons.
Another new Mequoda multiplatform publishing system is born
Everyone loves to brag about their children, and at Mequoda we feel the same way about our clients. One of our most successful
From content planning to determining your exit strategy, every successful multiplatform magazine business model includes planning these seven things
At Mequoda we spend a significant amount of time building custom business
How to jump start and run a successful SEO campaign
An SEO campaign starts with a keyword and evolves into a multi-media marketing program. When a marketer finds a keyword that
To be a responsive website designer, you must know how to design a website to be viewed effectively on any platform. For example, a responsive website design would never include
Ever wondered where Kim and her team find all of their magazine industry news for our daily Digital Publishing Trends posts?
Well, I have, so I asked them for their top
Use these content tests and learn how to reach more people on Facebook with your posts
There's nothing more frustrating than looking at your Facebook page, with 20,000, 30,000, 40,000 or
The digital revolution not only makes content more accessible; it offers additional ways to generate revenue
Have the changes in digital magazine publishing created new revenue generating opportunities for you?
Those opportunities
Design email newsletters that are easy to read, share and use by identifying these characteristics of an email newsletter that people stay subscribed to.
Your email subscribers aren't cash machines, they're
A magazine or newsletter subscription site paired with a portal subscription website leads to publishing success
If you've been reading this blog long enough, you're quite familiar with the Mequoda Method
Since the future of your articles in SEO-land is now so dependent on social media, it's more important than ever to enable your readers with easy-to-use like and share buttons.
An email welcome series designed to retain new email subscribers
Have you ever compiled a series of blog posts, and turned them into an email welcome series? Buffer just performed a
Many publishers believe in single-topic email newsletter templates in which every article of content is aligned around the same theme, in order to promote a related product. The exception to
Even Sesame Street is pulling together more dynamic digital magazine apps than most legacy publishers
The magazine industry used to be a tank of big fish in big pools. Only the
Recycling is associated with cutting costs, but is cutting costs a surefire sign of downward sales? Not when it comes to publishing and the smart publishers who have succeeded their
One of Mequoda’s websites is the Remonsy ETF Network, whose name is a portmanteau for Retirement Money System. Remonsy’s founder and investment guru Tom Vaughan started his first money management
These subscription website homepage ideas will help you provide a better user experience through website design
Mequoda has long quantified its own best subscription website homepage ideas, which we put into
B2B stands for Business to Business. Because I've worked in B2B my entire career, I didn't realize that there are B2C (Business to Consumer) marketers who haven't heard the term.
Have you started the venture on your next great website design? Maybe your original design was pretty great when you launched, but it's been a few years now and it's
When you think of the term "email analytics" there are two metrics you probably think of first: open rate and click rate.
If those are the only two you can think
Digital publishing success comes with a multiplatform publishing approach.
Digital publishers who recognize this are finding numerous way to reach their audiences, building subscribers from social media, through email, and funneling
Video ad viewability continues to be a crucial part of multiplatform publishers' plans, particularly if you're working under an advertising-reliant revenue model, of course. But even if you're not, solid
Design is a delivery mechanism for content – nothing more and nothing less. The more elegant, the better, of course, but getting caught up in appearances is never a good
Your website taxonomy is how you speak to those who are looking at your website. Publishers live in the visual world and have a habit of going for over-designed websites
In your email marketing system (EMS), there's a dashboard that gives you your email open rate - the percentage of users who opened an email from you. Typically 16% is
The Jordan Edmiston Group Inc. hosted its 11th annual Media & Technology Conference for upward of 400 executives in January, focusing programs on the "The Convergence of Data, Marketing &
Here at Mequoda we can never stress enough the value of a free portal to any subscription website, no matter what archetype it is. It’s the key to driving website
No matter how well you're doing, you can always do better. So is your retention rate too low? Yes! If it's not 100% (it never is) then your email retention
Do you have any super-subscribers? A recent report in Capital New York explores the idea of digital magazine subscriptions enhanced for your most loyal readers, citing brands like People and
There are four main principles of the Mequoda Method: Attract, Convert, Engage and Monetize.
Engagement is one of the most important steps in the process of audience development because if
How do you currently build your email list? For most publishers, there are two main drivers of email subscribers: 1) a measly "subscribe to our newsletter" box floating around the
A print magazine looks, smells and feels good in your hands. When we asked digital natives why they might prefer paper over a digital magazine in a study a few
Audience Development is at the center of the Mequoda Method. It's the foundation of our methods for building large, profitable email lists. Since Mequoda has been Mequoda, we have written
Profitable combination of direct marketing, fulfillment, advertising and content expertise hits one out of the park
Some of you might be familiar with our favorite publisher, Rose Harper. Of course Rose
If there's one thing Mequoda is strict about, it's aligning your free content with paid products -- making sure that for every free topic you write about, there's a paid
Increase clicks and revenue by testing out these six different email templates
One feature of using a publishing and marketing system like the Mequoda System is that you get access to
If your website doesn't attract at least 5x more free visitors than paid subscribers - your publication is probably in trouble
Marketing expert Seth Godin recently spoke at the HOW magazine
Use these 13 best website design tools when designing a website
The most important goal when designing a website is to figure out the main funnel that gets a visitor to
The Mequoda Pyramid supports the notion that products have a natural hierarchy
Publishers implementing a vertically integrated strategy use outside media to acquire new customers, leveraging “free media” first. They use content
With an online editor’s job description changing from print to digital, it’s important to understand the role for digital publishing success
In order to succeed online, publishers need to have staff
Audience development is the creation of new content in order to succeed in the four major sources of website traffic: search, social, referral and legacy. It means that you're writing
If you think email is dying, you're just doing it wrong.
You're a superhero. You've got the villain right where you want him. You'll save the world, rid it forever of
Several years ago, we were working with consultant Mark Young on some strategic issues for a joint investing publisher client. Mark said to me, "Don, you're always giving examples of
“So what exactly does Mequoda Group do for a living?” people ask us.
I have been involved in Internet marketing and publishing since 1995, when I was running an agency called
When the Internet burst on the scene and magazine publishers decided to get on the bandwagon, a lot of people simply shoveled their content up to the Web and called
More than 30 years ago, Tom Vick, Executive Editor and CEO of Natural Health Advisory, first discovered that a common ailment he was suffering from, allergies, could be helped significantly
There’s no better example of how critical a subscription website can be to a legacy publisher than the story of Psychotherapy Networker.
This 30-year-old magazine was launched by a group