As a magazine publisher, you understand that every completed issue is the result of effective communication between staff members. The success of one department directly influences and depends on the
It's not uncommon that when we talk to a group of niche publishing professionals, and we end up in a big discussion about cleaning your email lists.
In today's Strategy Spotlight,
You need a magazine consultant that acts as a general contractor, and a content management system that does, too.
In the past I've divulged what to look for in a magazine
Most publishers – at least most niche and regional publishers – cannot live on online magazine ads alone, but of course they're still a key component of any media operation.
App publishers are on the cutting edge of multiplatform media, but with great power comes great responsibility. Software changes, shifts in consumer tastes, and evolving devices and platforms all pose
Deft use of digital publishing platforms is a must for magazines looking to solidify their place in the industry. Thanks to astute observers like Talking New Media, we can monitor
I remember when media companies and digital publishers were in the process of launching their first apps. A lot has changed since those days, even though they aren’t too far
Newsweek was sold over the weekend to IBT Media, reports Capital New York. "IAC/InterActive reached a deal to sell Newsweek, which has been publishing since January as a digital-only version