When it comes to launching a digital magazine, there's no single FAQ online that can answer all your questions. What type of digital magazine should you build? How should you
If you’re making plans for your own digital publication, it behooves you to also plan how to make money from it with strategic digital magazine marketing.
After all, buying a list
Our top-read digital magazine publishing posts of last year showcase ways you can start a digital magazine from scratch and how to ensure it’s success
We’ve studied digital magazine publishing efforts
Circulation reporting and auditing has been a meticulous science for more than a century. Then digital magazine publishing came along to shake it up for the first time in decades.
So is the underreporting of digital magazines sales the fault of publishers themselves, or should AAM's audit be modified to accommodate universal pricing and packaging?
We think it's time to accommodate.
PricewaterhouseCoopers released a study recently that projects digital ad revenue will increase 22.4% to $3.9 billion this year and hit $7.6 billion by 2018, Ad Age reports.
Subscription website publishing: It’s the core of every publishing business today. The website is where you drive traffic, post content to enthrall your audience and sell lots of products, including
Every six months, the Alliance for Audited Media issues its top 25 lists of reporting magazines for various data points. Most recently, this past June, it issued its list for
9 reasons why HTML5 will change the online publishing landscape
Over the past six to 12 months, I’ve heard that HTML5 is going to change the entire online publishing landscape again.
The future for digital magazine circulation, and its associated revenue generation, is predicted to be positive for publishers
The tablet and e-reader marketers continue to prosper, which impacts the growth of
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