Multiplatform publishers can generate revenue from users, from sponsors, or both. Consumer-focused portals that are sponsorship-based ask users to pay – not with money, but with time and information. They
Forbes contributor Benjy Boxer recently warned, “The combination of free publishing, social distribution, and the commoditization of advertising will eventually wipe out almost all of the advantages of a large
Stop trying to sell multi-platform ads and start selling marketing partnerships as sponsorships
"[Publishers] are not selling ads — they are selling desired outcomes," David Leskusky, NAPCO Media president wrote in an article for
A Mequoda Website Satellite Archetype that combines the strategic intent, or goal, of 2 or more website archetypes. A print example would be newspapers or magazines, where they generate revenue
Publishers see vertical search as opportunity to "reclaim the online community from Google". Depending on what area of technology you are coming from, vertical search engines can be described
Fed up with search results? Now you can create your own engine
We at the Mequoda Group are very fond of our website archetypes.
They are website designs from which all similar
How They Created the World's Number One Business Website
We've been taught that successful website publishing in 2005 means creating happy users and healthy profits. With 10.3 million worldwide unique visitors