Tag: Content Marketing Strategy
A content marketing strategy is developed to help content publishers properly market and sell content-based products online. Today, content marketing typically involves great optimized content, the use of social media platforms to engage audiences, email marketing initiatives, and online publicity, among other techniques.
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The special interest media experience requires publishers to reinterpret how users assimilate information.
Mequoda has been designing and building content marketing systems since 1995 while concurrently studying those of other publishers
Content Marketing is popular these days; here’s how to utilize it
Content marketing is seen all about the Internet, throughout an array of industries. Its inherent nature works perfectly online because
Organize your editorial and marketing efforts with this micro-blogging platform especially for businesses
Yammer is a new(ish) social network similar to Twitter, but on the business side of the spectrum. Your
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The first step required to accomplish anything new is believing that it is possible
We now have 44 Mequoda Systems up and running for magazine and newsletter publishers and, happily, most
Great online editors make for great online publishing
At our most recent Mequoda Summit, I found that there were mixed feelings about the new online editor job description. Publishers were finding
Boost your email marketing list by creating niche free products to give away
PPC (or Pay-Per-Click) isn’t a huge part of our marketing strategy. We rely heavier on organic forms of
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The key to content marketing is to let the content market itself
Maria Pergolino, director of marketing for Marketo recently gave a presentation on how to be a better content marketer.
Lacking content? Are you hesitant about content platforms? Here are two solutions
Content marketing strategies are constantly evolving due to changes in the Internet, technological devices and the ways people consume
Online advertising revenue is going up and these two tips will help your online advertising strategy
With advertising sales dropping in the world of traditional print, publishers have turned to the
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Study shows increased spending, more time and resources for content marketing
The information found in this article should be of interest to everyone. Seriously. Since content marketing is going up, online
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Publishers want to sell subscriptions and Apple wants to sell iPads; see how the two can work together
Pundits covering the iPad have been saying that Apple is not allowing publishers
How can the Mequoda Content Marketing System transform your legacy special-interest magazine, newsletter or newspaper into a highly profitable, multi-platform media empire?
We’ve studied thousands of successful and not-so-successful online publishers
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Components of effective content marketing
Once you’ve built up your subscriber list, how do you go about keeping all the converted email subscribers on your email list? The first step is
How passion and community has taken the marketing world by storm
The Internet has forced many industries to change, and that includes the wide world of marketing.
Traditional marketing was flashy, sexy
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Insight from Jeanniey Mullen and Don Nicholas from the Mequoda Summit Boston 2010
I catch a case of slight chills when writing this article about modern parameters of content marketing. Why?
15 products to contemplate while creating a content marketing strategy
One of my favorite sessions at the Mequoda Summit Boston 2010 was Leveraging Magazine Content with Philip Charles-Pierre of Guideposts, Eric
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Five free reports sharing valuable information, inspired by the Mequoda Summit
Although it’s sad to see another Mequoda Summit come to a close, the conference itself was a hit. We were
We’ve been studying content marketing strategies for several years. It doesn’t matter whether you call it custom publishing, customer media, branded content or corporate media – it’s all content
Using social media to connect and build buzz around your brand
Earlier this week I wrote about content marketing for artists. I’ve heard the term DYI (Do It Yourself) for years
How artistic content producers and publishers can be using content marketing
I recently came to the realization as to why I love content marketing so much. It goes back to my
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This free report from Mequoda Group discusses how the content marketing strategy can help sell digital content
(Nationwide)---The time of content marketing is now here. With content marketing comes three types
A few seats remain: register now to join us at the Mequoda Summit Boston 2010
Discover how to thrive and prosper in the world of online publishing and Internet marketing with
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Successful publishers evolve and so does their content marketing strategy
Smart publishers will tell you that once they started optimizing articles and landing pages for Google, search engines have become their
What we mean by a Mequoda System and why you should care
Here at Mequoda Group, we often are asked what we mean by a Mequoda System, especially now that our
This free report from Mequoda Group discusses marketing tips you can use to boost ROI by doing business on Twitter
(Nationwide)---Online publishers need to be careful when using Twitter as a
How are people finding the videos you’re creating for content marketing purposes?
According to Alexa.com, YouTube is the third most popular website on the entire Internet. One can see why it’s
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Learn how content marketing can be profitable for you
Print evolved to radio, radio to television, and now, television to the Internet. For many of these mediums, the marketing strategy really
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Begin building multi-platform brands
Whether you have years of back-issue magazine content, or you’ve compiled information that has never been seen by the eyes of your niche audience, you can be
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Our new Digital Media Podcast provides an example of the Mequoda Summit experience
Download our Mequoda Summit Digital Media Podcast: A Dozen Minutes from the Mequoda Summit 2006 now
It's the time
Just ask Ford, as they recently posted another profitable quarter, and the concept of content marketing is being utilized in their marketing mix
Do you remember when the auto industry was
A Google keyword visibility strategy and valuable, highly targeted content are fundamental to this experienced online publishing enterprise
If you have ever doubted the value of keyword research and search engine
An app publishers can learn from
Tablets are predicted to be more popular than desktop computers and netbooks by the year 2015. That’s to say that more people will be buying
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The numbers of tablets and digital readers will soar in the coming years
Forrester Research has predicted that there will be 57 million tablets sold by the year 2015, with a
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In a world of content networks and emerging technology, what’s the ruling class?
I recently came across an article on Business Insider from a contributor claiming that content in no longer