Monitoring the latest digital ad trends finds an effort for more transparency, an elephant in the room, and a major player making a major move
Digital ad trends are as volatile
Becoming an ecommerce publisher continues to attract publishing executives looking for alternate revenue streams rooted in their content and niche audiences. Selling products isn't selling out; developing an ecommerce content
They might not rival Major League Baseball's offseason hot stove of free agency and trades, but publishing deals at the end of 2015 are still making magazine industry news in
If you're a mobile publisher trying to monetize an already challenging platform for digital magazines, no two words strike more fear into your heart than "ad blocking."
Ad blocking programs are
Nobody knows niche strategy like we do, which is why we love to see big-name legacy publishers adopting it and smaller, scrappier sites finding success with it. The same goes
Any and all recent discussions about digital advertising trends – including this one – make mention of native advertising. Some publishers have embraced it, while others are wrestling with the