You might know, and subscribe, to one or more products from information marketing juggernauts like Bottom Line Publications, Agora, Healthy Directions or Philips Investment Resources. More importantly, you may study their strategies and creations like an aspiring artist studies the work of the great masters.
- These master marketers are still going strong because they tested, perfected and cracked the code to Internet marketing profitability
- Master marketer Jim Edwards and top copywriter and coach David Garfinkel understand how to hit their target market
- They know how to pen effective copy to get their prospect to take action now
- Graphics are not very eye-catching, but the marketer’s goal is simply to deliver strong copy and sell e-books
- Jim and David put their time in to deliver strong copy and a compelling offer, and they’ve accomplished it
Remember back in the go-go days of the 90s when venture capitalists were literally throwing money at dot-com business with the cavalier attitude of, “Hey, that’s a totally outlandish idea with probably no chance of succeeding… how much cash do you need?”
Well, during this Gold Rush of stupidity there was a small group of guerilla marketers with ninja-like nimbleness who quietly and effectively grew their online businesses by leaps and bounds.
As you’ve probably realized by now, the companies that did flourish on the Internet were the ones that used a viable off-line business model and concisely incorporated them online. You might know and subscribe to these information behemoths, such as Bottom Line and Agora & Philips Publishing.
After the nuclear dust had cleared from the fallout, those same Silicon Valley “players” who dished out big bucks like Joan Rivers dishes out one-liners eventually woke up one morning and realized—not only was their Roman orgy of opulence over, but they were now working at Starbucks. The guerilla marketers? Well, these slow and steady folks are still going strong because they tested, perfected and cracked the code to profitability.
What was amazing during those early Internet pioneer days is that these same guerilla marketers (who were using effective joint venture techniques even back then) were calling each other Internet “gurus” when the Internet was barely out of Al Gore’s consciousness.
One marketer who didn’t proclaim his “guruness” was the humble Jim Edwards who co-wrote with David Garfinkel, a top copywriter and coach. Jim and David are old school, and they understand how to hit their targeted market. More importantly, they know how to pen effective copy to get their prospect to take action now (with landing pages).
Today these popular point of purchase landing pages (which are actually very long, direct response letters) are all over the Internet.
Copywriter Peter J. Fogel looks at to determine if this landing page makes the grade. He happily admits it does with a few reservations.’s Landing Page Scorecard
1. Headline (Strategic Intent) – A
First of all, I appreciate the website address It gives off a feeling of secrecy and sexiness all at the same time. It’s a strong standard headline that works.
How to Make MASSIVE Amounts of Money In Record Time With Your Own eBook (Whether You Wrote It or Not!)
It’s straightforward and gives an immediate benefit to the reader.
As you know, when you have doubts about creating a headline, always insert the words “how to” in the beginning and for the most part you’re good to go.
Right off the proverbial bat, Jim overcomes the possible resistance that most prospects might show when deciding to write an ebook. They tell him (or her) that they will still prosper and make massive amounts of money with an e-book—even if they can’t write the darn thing themselves (a collective sigh of relief for non-writers.)
Too busy to even attempt to write the book? No problemo, amigo. Jim includes bullets to reinforce the fact that you can do it—even with your busy, busy schedule.
These two veterans know that people absorb information by either reading or listening. Jim, with his soothing voice, gives a personal greeting and reinforces what they’re in store for. More landing pages are using this technique. And if they are… it’s a strong bet that it’s because it works.
The headline is basically saying that selling e-books the right way is a “no brainer.” Plus, the marketers plant an idea in the readers’ minds that yes, they too can be a best selling author. The perfect world, isn’t it? The prospect thinks, “Wow, I don’t have to write the ebook and I can still be a best selling author! Is that cool or what?”
This headline hits the hot buttons of the Internet biz opp customer like Barry Bonds hits a fastball.

The headline is basically saying that selling e-books the right way is a “no brainer.” Plus, the marketers plant an idea in the readers’ minds that yes, they too can be a best selling author.
2. Story and Content – A
This is hard selling copy at its best. Right from the beginning Jim and David give the prospect tremendous benefits. Step by step—as if on a safari—these two men lead the customer through the process of how and why they can be successful marketing e-books—right up to the call to action.
They know the resistance that most folks have when it comes to writing and marketing this product and they address it throughout their prospect’s journey.
Even in the mp3 file greeting they explain how THIS book is different from their other e-books on the subject. Once again, these two marketers know how to get into the hearts and minds of their future customers.

Even in the mp3 file greeting they explain how THIS book is different from their other e-books on the subject.
3. Content Webification – C
Again, not many bells and whistles here… no distractions. And there aren’t many links except the one that links to the order page. Jim and David want your order, and they bring you to the bottom of the letter where you’re asked to sign a disclaimer form, which states that when it comes to earning revenue “your mileage may vary.”
Then you’re whisked away to ClickBank. There was no FREE or partial chapter to read, which would’ve been a nice incentive for the reader.
4. Email Capture – F
Here, I was disappointed. No email capture whatsoever, including no pop up with an auto responder to give away a free mini-course, so they can at least capture the prospect’s email address. This surprised me. These gentlemen know the power of “the list” and I would’ve thought they would try to grab the “tire kicker” for a push later on.
5. User Testimonials – A
One thing about guerrilla marketers is that they know the power of testimonials. Jim and David use them very efficiently here. In fact, even before the meat of the letter begins, the prospect gets the first testimonial (right under the headline) to peruse.
They also strategically place one that mentions the amount of money this happy customer made from using Jim and David’s information.

Even before the meat of the letter begins, the prospect gets the first testimonial (right under the headline) to peruse. (It’s strategically placed—one that mentions the amount of money this happy customer made from using Jim and David’s information.)
6. Links to Order Flow – B
There are two schools of thought when it comes to the links to the order flow. In regular text email promotions like Agora uses, they want the whole story told, then you’re taken to the order page. In fact, you won’t even know the price of the product or service until you’re taken there. (Invoke curiosity?)
Guerrillas that use HTML realize that, in long copy, if the prospect “gets it” and is ready to order, then they should immediately be taken to the order page. Jim and David use this method, although I would’ve added maybe one or two more links earlier in the sales piece.
7. Labeling and Language – A
This is simple and concise, just the way top copywriters should write. They also use the correct terminology to court their prospect. You feel as if Jim is talking to you one on one over a beer in a tavern. The copy creates strong credibility by telling the prospect that they might NOT become rich overnight, when it fact, it all depends on having the right e-book for the right market.
They even let Mr. Prospect know the pitfalls he might encounter. See, typical “hypey” sales letters (which this is not) sometimes deliver promises that sound too good to be true. Jim and David’s copy hits the segment of the population who might be incredulous about their offer and then succinctly address their concerns.
8. Readability and Content Design – B
This is something we’ve seen before on other landing sites. The landing page design is nothing to get excited about. The emphasis again is on the offer and the copy. The goal of this (and all) landing pages is to keep the prospect reading up the call to action. It’s done very well here.
These marketers include strong subheads and lots of bullets. Perhaps they could add a column to include some more information for the reader, but they chose not to.
9. Content Freshness and Urgency – B
The landing page is a static direct response offer. It will not change for the most part, except if the marketer wants to update or change the price. They offer five inviting bonuses which gives the offer a sense of urgency. Plus they let the reader know that the price is a “market test.” (More urgency.)
Note: Most people will not bookmark a landing page such as this and then come back to see if there’s any fresh content on it.
10. Load Time – B
I have Internet cable connection and the load time was excellent. Then again, there aren’t many graphics to load.
11. Aesthetics – B
Very clean and easy to read. Testimonials were highlighted in yellow graphic boxes. There was plenty of white space to make the reading a pleasurable experience. However, the “standard” book graphic was used to show the prospect that it was, indeed, a book.
But we all know the only book you will receive after you download is the one you put together from the PDF with clips and hole punches. Also I don’t know what a smiling attractive blond woman has to do with exposing e-book secrets, but that is the graphic JPEG they decided to use in the title of the landing page.
I would’ve liked to see a photo of David and Jim smiling at us. This way they could’ve branded themselves and presented even more credibility to the prospect.
12. Ordering Options – B
Newsletters like Agora, Mayo Clinic and Philips Publishing give you a variety of ways to contact them—toll free numbers, fax, phone. The only way to contact Jim is through email.
Although the landing page has a phone number, it’s not for ordering. It’s probably there to lend credibility to the company, or if the buyer wants to contact the seller to complain that they couldn’t download the book.
Jim and David leave nothing to chance. If someone surfing the net in the wee hours isn’t sure they can order now… they let them know they can even order at 2 A.M. This again creates more urgency for the prospect to act now.
The price for the e-book is $47, which is suitable for a niche product such as this. Naturally, veterans like David and Jim tested this price. This site has been up for awhile so I imagine it’s accomplishing its goals and hasn’t changed any ordering procedures.

Jim and David leave nothing to chance. If someone surfing the net in the wee hours isn’t sure they can order now… they let them know they can even order at 2 A.M. This again creates more urgency for the prospect to act now.
For the most part, I liked this landing page. As far as the graphics are concerned, it’s not very eye-catching, but the marketer’s goal is simply to deliver strong copy and sell e-books. Not much in the way of branding their company, but Jim and David put their time in to deliver strong copy and a compelling offer, and they’ve accomplished it.
Overall I give this landing page a B.