Our top-read digital magazine publishing posts of last year showcase ways you can start a digital magazine from scratch and how to ensure it’s success
We’ve studied digital magazine publishing efforts and found what works. These reader-favorite posts from the past year help publishers approach the business with confidence. There is advice on starting your magazine from scratch, publishing strategies, and tips for generating revenue. Here are the top 10 most-read posts about digital magazine and newsletter publishing on the Mequoda Daily from 2017.
1. Best Digital Magazine Publishing Software You Can Use to Launch Your Digital Magazine
Publishers have been trying digital magazine publishing software during the last few years in hopes of creating the best digital products for their audiences. And like everything else in digital magazine land, digital magazine software has evolved at light speed. And so has its pricing. Read this post.
2. 10 Digital Publishing Tips and Strategies for Magazine Publishers
Six and a half years after the advent of the tablet, strategies for successful digital magazine publishing are starting to sort themselves out and deliver measurable results. At Mequoda, we’re all about documenting these things so digital publishers don’t have to re-invent the wheel. Here are 10 things you must do if you want to join the ranks of millionaire publishers … a goal we think is worthy of all digital publishers today. Read this post.
3. How to Start an Online Magazine With These Five Strategies
Knowing how to start an online magazine requires first understanding the differences between an online magazine and the dozens of other publishing models available to you. And there’s one crucial contrast that we’ll focus on here. Read this post.
4. How to Start an Online Magazine from Scratch
If you’re an existing media company that doesn’t publish magazines, or you’re launching an online magazine from scratch, there are 3 steps to successfully branch into the world of online magazine publishing. This top post from 2017 will help you get started. Read this post.
5. The Kind of Apps People Want: How to Get a 5-Star Rating on Your Magazine Gadget App
The kind of apps people want make life easier and more fun. Free, quality content with a smoothly-functioning interface is the key. Let us show you how to create functioning apps that people crave. Read this post.
6. Digital Magazine Marketing: 6 Ways to Promote your Digital Magazine
If you’re making plans for your own digital publication, it behooves you to also plan how to make money from it with strategic digital magazine marketing. Missed opportunities can lead to slumping digital magazine circulation. Read this post.
7. Creating Digital Magazines: Four Ways to Monetize Your Efforts With a Free Archive
Creating digital magazines with a future-proof publishing strategy has never been harder. The magazine industry is at the beginning of a Renaissance. Digital magazines are the hot topic of industry events, digital magazine software platforms abound, and massive retail partners including Apple, Amazon, and Google are seducing magazine publishers with their siren songs. Read this post.
8. 8 Ways to Sell Digital Magazine Subscriptions
It’s amazing to look back to just a few years ago, when digital magazines were still something of a novelty. Today, it’s a given that print publishers will soon create a digital version of their product if they haven’t already. Here’s how to sell digital magazines as demand for many platforms rise. Read this post.
9. How to Create a Bulletproof Magazine Business Plan
A seven-step magazine business plan to determine how large your magazine business will become and how much of an investment will be required to build your business to maturity. We know a few successful magazine publishing companies that were sold for substantial profits to media mega-companies. And they all got there by strictly following a Mequoda Systems business plan. Read this post.
10. Let’s Clarify: What Is a Digital Magazine?
What is a digital magazine really? Is it clickable, scrollable, web-accessible, or all the above? Don’t worry if you’re not sure, you’re not alone. This was one of our top read posts last year. Read this post.
Does your publication need help with digital magazine publishing? If you’d like to discuss how we can help you increase your audience, revenue and profits, please reach out to schedule a no obligation chat with Don Nicholas, our Founder, Chairman & CEO.