Since you’re reading this message, you may have some idea of how our organization helps publishers plan, develop, operate, and optimize successful website systems. We thought we’d take a few moments today to share the various types of relationships we have with publishing organizations in the hopes that one or some of these might be appropriate for you. If any of these services are needed by your organization, we are happy to schedule a 60-minute consulting call to discuss the possibilities at no charge.
Case Study Demonstrations: At our core, we are teachers. We started researching best practices for digital publishing and marketing in the late 1990s. We have now amassed a well-organized set of best practices around a methodology that can apply to any special-interest publishing business looking to be successful in the digital age. We’ve organized this research into a series of concept-driven educational modules with interchangeable case studies that allow us to create custom demonstrations to share what we’ve learned with you and your team.
Business Plan Development: If you’re thinking about launching a new digital product, upgrading your online marketing efforts, or overhauling your entire business, our executive team is ready to help. Over the past five years, we have collaborated with leading publishers, both large and small, to create 35+ strategic business plans. Our approach is audience-centric and analytics-driven. We work with you to leverage your market data, domain expertise and organizational resources to combine with our processes, models, and benchmarks to create a plan that can launch a successful new digital product or overhaul your entire organization.
Digital Magazine Publishing System Development: Let us build your new digital magazine publishing system! Our premier service incorporates a state-of-the-art digital publishing and marketing platform, which integrates web, email, and fulfillment functionality to create a fully integrated customer experience management system. Haven WordPress leverages the industry’s most popular content management system by adding more than 100 marketing and publishing plug-ins and extensions, including proprietary functionality designed to support your audience and revenue growth. Our platform is managed via a central software repository, allowing us to quickly deploy revisions, updates, and new functionality to your digital magazine publishing system.
Organic Audience Development: Increasing your website traffic and growing your free email list is key to your ongoing success, as these customer relationships drive all other monetization programs including memberships, sponsorships, and events. Our recommended audience development service package includes us writing, updating, and promoting your SEO posts via email and web, along with managing all aspects of your website email capture program. Our team would use their best practices to leverage your social media traffic, website referrals, and other media relationships. We’d meet with you monthly to share the ongoing trends using our Audience Development Analytics Suite.
Premium Membership Marketing: Outsource your digital subscription marketing to us! Let our team serve as a centralized marketing resource to perform every facet of running your digital publishing marketing system. Our services include road-mapping, creative development, testing and optimization, and the deployment of all digital campaigns including email, organic media, and paid media. With specialists in all of the above areas, our services afford smaller publishers the opportunity to create marketing programs that can generate double or triple the revenue on the same marketing investment.
We’d love to explore how our expertise can help you grow your business and leverage your audience, content, and brand to create a digital-first business strategy. If you are interested in our methods and organization, please schedule a 60-minute consulting call at no charge, to discuss the possibilities.