Sponsor-driven websites can grow in revenue and profits dramatically simply by organizing audience development efforts more strategically and leaning into the power of email marketing.
A terrific example of a well-executed sponsor-driven website is Your AAA Network. The AAA publishing team does a phenomenal job of communicating the vast benefits of AAA membership using both the website and its fully integrated email newsletters. The team also uses the digital platforms to highlight business partners who drive the thousands of member discount programs available to AAA members.
From car rentals and batteries to restaurants and travel services, the AAA website and its associated email newsletters keep readers informed and engaged in every facet of their membership benefits. The website and email newsletters also allowed AAA to generate additional revenue from sponsors who co-author native content that highlights the sponsors’ products and services. The system represents a state-of-the-art media platform that provides benefits to members, visitors, sponsors and the parent organization.
If sponsorship revenue is your goal and your main focus, our Haven CXMS is the right choice for your organization. Our Haven CXMS supports the entire suite of audience development best practices required to make organic search, email, and social media your primary traffic drivers. With zoned architecture that can easily deploy sponsorship-driven programs that are native, scarce, exclusive, and aligned with your sponsors’ products, your Haven CXMS will be poised to deliver you sponsor revenue!
Mequoda clients routinely double, even triple, their profits in five years or less by using our proprietary software platform, Haven CXMS™—the only customer experience management system created by publishers and for publishers.
If you’d like to explore how we can help you create a digital presence that is a win win for all parties, schedule a free 30 minute consultation with a member of our consulting team to discuss your business needs and opportunities.
Which website is best for the subscription.