A Mequoda Website Satellite Archetype that generates its revenue by selling a multitude of products or services to users. This website business model is similar to a catalog or brick-and-mortar store that sells one or many products to a targeted audience group. Mequoda Catalog Websites that sell information products (books, reports, periodicals, music, etc…) have an advantage over both catalog and brick-and-mortar competition: their products can be easily sampled in an online, 24/7 environment. A shopping cart order flow is used to sell products. Amazon.com is a best practice Mequoda Catalog Archetype.
Amazon is the flagship example of a successful Mequoda Catalog Marketing Website, as they are the world’s largest, with 6.3 billion in sales in 2003. The catalog audience is a shopper in search of low prices and the convenience of 24/7 online access. Catalog marketing websites make money by selling products.