Editors gather for a candid discussion about what’s working online and what isn’t
Jacob Weisberg, Chairman & Editor-in-Chief of The Slate Group, opened this session by asking: Why aren’t magazines better
Executives from ESPN, Rodale and Harvard Business Review discuss the challenges and benefits of charging users for online content
General Manager & Editorial Director of ESPN Publishing Gary Hoenig admitted he
Google’s Analytics Evangelist, Avinash Kaushik, tells magazine publishers why some of their sites “suck” and what kind of thinking is required to fix them
Seven questions you must answer to avoid leaving money on the table
How an online market analysis can reveal friendly competitors, potential marketing partners, and new business opportunities...
In traditional bricks and
How to tell if Twitter really does drive traffic, and if it does, how so?
If you dug a little into the Google Analytics of our site, you’d see that Twitter
How to control what your readers see when they first open your email newsletter
The first screen of your email newsletter, which includes the preview pane, is another part of your
How to get your email newsletter and promotion opened in half a second
We’ve done plenty of email subject line tests over the years, but as time progresses, people respond to
Online Editor & Publisher Job Description 2009 - Setting Measureable Goals for your Online Team
In the more than three years since last we shared our goals and metrics for the
4 Key Practices and Strategies in Selling Hybrid Advertising Packages
When an advertiser buys ads from both print and online versions of a brand, the extra frequency targeted to the most
Editorial Strategy: User perceptions can often be altered with a simple change in language. A handbook by any other name…
If you’re a publisher, answer this simple question:
What’s more valuable
February 2009 marks one of the select times where search engines help you index content yourself.
Earlier this month, Google told us “carpe diem on any duplicate content worries” in a
How to write a white paper that dazzles the socks off of any first-grader
There's something about writing complimentary products that get publishers all in a tizzy. Should it be repurposed