The New York Times is reporting on the mystical world of Google Plus. Publishers will be interested to hear what The Economist thinks about Google's social network.
Field & Stream gets it right the second time
If you’ve read this blog for a while, you know that we’re big fans of Bonnier Corp. for its embrace of digital
UpWorthy has been receiving a lot of attention lately. Fast Company has dubbed them as a "soulful BuzzFeed." Instead of posting links to funny cat videos they are posting links
When the Internet burst on the scene and magazine publishers decided to get on the bandwagon, a lot of people simply shoveled their content up to the Web and called
Ad Week is reporting that Capital NY has tweaked its new paywall. Lucia Moses writes, "Executives at Capital have acknowledged that media could be a tougher sell than politics and
If you want to know one of the reasons why print has been uprooted by the web, blame readability.
Ever since we've been publishing magazines, newspapers and newsletters, the jargon and
Search Engine Land is reporting that Google has released a new search algorithm update named "Top Heavy". Barry Schwartz writes, "Matt Cutts, announced that Google has released a refresh of
Marketing Mag Canada is reporting that new AAM numbers on digital replicas have tripled in the last year. In December 2012, the digital replica circulation was 42,000.
FOLIO is reporting that La Presse+ has had a huge success with their digital edition. Jennifer Silber writes, "The free digital edition of Montreal-based daily newspaper La Presse.
Google Authorship is Google's new way of helping their algorithm figure out who is most credible on the web. Naturally, you need to have a Google+ profile in order to