In an article for SIIA, Ronn Levine recent wrote about all the content exchanges going on in the publishing world. For example, The Dallas Morning News, Honolulu Star-Advertiser, The Toledo
How the top five magazines on Twitter got so popular -- not to say that this is definite list of every publisher, but according to our research, these publishers are
We recently had a conversation internally about how much data to collect from a user when they sign up for a free product. If you're trying to convert a free
If Quartz has anything to say about social and digital publishing, it's that we're all slowly but surely getting better at it. Well, at least they are. Following the trends
Digital publishing is booming for both digital natives and digital retreads (as Don calls legacy publishers). But there's still work to do, and thank goodness for that because Mequoda still
Today we bring you another installment in our ongoing magazine pricing series, What Big Publishers Are Doing Wrong.
OK, it’s not really a series. But lately we’ve been taking up the
We've said for a while that magazines are shooting themselves in the foot with their bargain pricing and it seems like they're finally starting to listen.
Slate is launching a new membership tomorrow and they ask that you please not call it a paywall. OK maybe they didn't ask, but they don't want us to report
Larry Kramer is not only USA Today's president and publisher, he's also the founder of MarketWatch. Recently he spoke about digital publishing and "adopting a digital metabolism," as DigiDay put
Crain's New York recently had a chat with President of Condé Nast Bob Sauerberg to talk magazine subscription pricing.
The conversation is so Mequoda that you'd think they were discussing
If you haven't heard of Medium, it's a small little niche blog where everybody is the author. The top authors tend to be C-level execs and start-up founders and the
According Talking New Media, "three months of data from comScore finds that readers that enter a news website directly spend about three times as long on that site as those