Hearst gave the free weekly magazine TrendingNY a chance in September with four test issues that were distributed throughout New York City by street teams. Apparently this strategy paid off
Time Inc. is partnering with IFTTT (if this then that) with the goal of “boosting cross-channel distribution of its digital content,” according to Media Post.
Even though digital magazines are hardly new, they certainly have blossomed in 2014. In our very recent Mequoda Digital Magazine Market Study, we surveyed more than a thousand digital magazine
The Texas Tribune is no stranger to partnership. As its partnership with The New York Times comes to an end, a new partnership is about to begin with The Washington
Over the past year, the Mequoda team has made many new discoveries regarding search optimization, audience development and subscription websites, but moreso than ever, we have spent time working with
How do you design your digital magazine editions? Many digital publishers took to creating replica editions of their digital magazines so a lot of attention wasn’t placed into the design
The growth of digital video is palpable for many digital publishers. Video can be a desirable addition to content offerings, as digital video is being consumed on a variety of