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The Changes Brought on by ‘Digital First’
On Thursday afternoon, I received an email from The Washington Post with a link to a story about exciting new arts and concert venues
Don Nicholas, CEO, Mequoda Group, Hopkinton, Mass.
What was your first job out of college and how did you get into this business?
I was 27 when I graduated from college. As
The Power and (Occasional) Glory of Email Marketing
Email marketing remains a powerful tool, so powerful that it’s almost like one of those laser weapons in a James Bond film: put
New Thinking Puts Spotlight on nOtice
We’ve come a long way from Paul Revere’s ride for dispensing community information. But the British are still coming, at least in terms of innovative
Deaf Ears Put Google+ at Back of Line
I received an email last week from Google informing me that a SIPA member had added me “to his circles” and invited me
Andy Tarczon, Founding Partner - Corporate Development, The Diffusion Group, Frisco, Texas
SIPA: What was your first job out of college and how did you get into this business?
ANDY: Wow,
Value of Marketing Conference Reflected in Speakers
Today is the early-bird deadline for registration for SIPA's 28th Annual Marketing Conference in Miami Beach, Dec. 7-9. The way I like to give
New Study Rains on the Brainstorming Parade
I recall one off-site brainstorming session where an outside moderator was brought in to try to get at our “problems” and keep the conversation
The Finer Points of Creating a Video
An interesting theme recently on the SIPA Marketing Listserv focused on turning PowerPoint presentations into Web videos. The idea is to add varied animation/visual
Brian Crotty, President, OPIS (Oil Price Information Service), Gaithersburg, Md.
What was your first job out of college and how did you get into this business?
I had a creative writing degree