Free Download: Learn the seven strategies that all successful special-interest online publishers have in common by downloading our FREE Seven Online Publishing Secrets white paper today.
Matt Bailey, Founder and President, SiteLogic, Canton, Ohio
What was your first job out of college and how did you get into this business?
Wow. On the face of it, there is
Group Buying Deals May Be Worth a Try
A SIPA Marketing Listserve post earlier this year referred to a Groupon “Daily Deal” in the Boston area that day: “$39 for a
Roundtable Sessions Inform and Personalize
At last year’s SIPA 2010 Conference, I sat in on a small publishers roundtable the first morning, an editorial roundtable the next morning and a microsite
Jennie Phipps, Editor & Publisher, Freelance Success, Farmington Hills, Mich.
What was your first job out of college and how did you get into this business?
I was hired by WBNS-TV, the
Facebook for Business? A Writer Gives It a Go
The steady advance of Facebook as a business tool moved forward yesterday as President Obama held a town-hall style forum with none
New Books Add Value to Today’s Marketing Discussions
Here’s a list of five interesting new books that have crossed my desk recently and some short tidbits from them:
1. “Real-Time Marketing &
Speakers, Times and Topics Can All Be Webinar Variants
Webinars continue to be a successful and profitable way of reaching your customers. As they become more frequent, variations will occur—like the
SIPA Members Get in the Tweeting Swing
At a speech earlier this year, best-selling author David Meerman Scott—who will be the SIPF Awards Luncheon keynote speaker at the upcoming SIPA 2011
Take Advantage of Peer Influence, Bernoff Urges
Josh Bernoff, senior vice president, idea development, Forrester Research, has an IDEA, and he will be coming to SIPA 2011 on June 6 to
SIPA, SIPF and Members Give Back to Community
There’s always enough bad news in the world, so on this rainy Tuesday (here in Washington, D.C.), let’s spotlight some good things.
1. Kudos