We have seen the popularity of the iPad and similar tablet devices within their infancy. We’ve also seen the mobile device market explode. These trends will continue to evolve. In order to utilize the popularity behind these technological advances, it’s important to know who and what you’re really developing your magazine for. Our Digital Publishing Trends posts capture what’s happening in the digital publishing world.
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The Texas Tribune is no stranger to partnership. As its partnership with The New York Times comes to an end, a new partnership is about to begin with The Washington
How do you design your digital magazine editions? Many digital publishers took to creating replica editions of their digital magazines so a lot of attention wasn’t placed into the design
The growth of digital video is palpable for many digital publishers. Video can be a desirable addition to content offerings, as digital video is being consumed on a variety of
The Doctrine Magazine is launching from the UK music website Spiral Earth. This digital-only magazine was designed with the web in mind, and iOS app version secondly.