We have seen the popularity of the iPad and similar tablet devices within their infancy. We’ve also seen the mobile device market explode. These trends will continue to evolve. In order to utilize the popularity behind these technological advances, it’s important to know who and what you’re really developing your magazine for. Our Digital Publishing Trends posts capture what’s happening in the digital publishing world.
Free Download: Consumers are telling us loud and clear what they want—are you listening? How much would you pay for that information? To find out how you can improve your digital magazine rapport with subscribers, claim your FREE digital copy of our 2018 Mequoda Magazine Consumer Study, today.
Mastering mobile email marketing might sound like it's low on the list of priorities for digital magazines, but, in reality, it's rapidly emerging as one of the most pressing skills
The digital publishing business gets more and more interesting by the week. Time Inc. digital investments and innovations have been relentless; recent personnel changes from Ogden to Bloomberg Businessweek have
Bryan Welch's successor, Bill Uhler, aims for more publishing events and ecommerce content strategy; plus, an industry update halfway through the year
Publishing events comprise a big piece of the puzzle
PPC publishing takes the pay-per-click model for advertisers to a compensatory one for platform contributors, and it's gaining steam. The shift acknowledges the realities of digital publishing: With so much
Magazine audience is the most valuable commodity publishers can acquire. All revenue efforts hinge on it. For legacy media, going about this acquisition was a fairly straightforward task, historically speaking.
The phrase mobile video trends combines two challenges for publishers into one mega-challenge: conquering cross-device advertising and mastering multimedia with strong production and distribution platforms. More and more, the two
The power of traditional media companies is diluted these days, as legacy publishers struggle to keep up with the proliferation of content across the World Wide Web. Print is an
We're not digital-and-damn-the-torpedoes here at Mequoda, believe it or not. While digital magazines are our focus, we believe there's room for print in multi-platform publishing; while Mequoda Members approach us
Digital magazine design is evolving nearly as fast as digital magazines themselves, because digital magazine design plays a huge part in defining digital magazines. Publishers continually implement new features to
Email campaign strategy has emerged as a crucial component of multi-platform publishing, even as wrong-headed observers have pronounced it DOA in recent years. The Mequoda Method highly values online newsletters