We have seen the popularity of the iPad and similar tablet devices within their infancy. We’ve also seen the mobile device market explode. These trends will continue to evolve. In order to utilize the popularity behind these technological advances, it’s important to know who and what you’re really developing your magazine for. Our Digital Publishing Trends posts capture what’s happening in the digital publishing world.
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UpWorthy has been receiving a lot of attention lately. Fast Company has dubbed them as a "soulful BuzzFeed." Instead of posting links to funny cat videos they are posting links
Ad Week is reporting that Capital NY has tweaked its new paywall. Lucia Moses writes, "Executives at Capital have acknowledged that media could be a tougher sell than politics and
Search Engine Land is reporting that Google has released a new search algorithm update named "Top Heavy". Barry Schwartz writes, "Matt Cutts, announced that Google has released a refresh of
FOLIO is reporting that La Presse+ has had a huge success with their digital edition. Jennifer Silber writes, "The free digital edition of Montreal-based daily newspaper La Presse.