We have seen the popularity of the iPad and similar tablet devices within their infancy. We’ve also seen the mobile device market explode. These trends will continue to evolve. In order to utilize the popularity behind these technological advances, it’s important to know who and what you’re really developing your magazine for. Our Digital Publishing Trends posts capture what’s happening in the digital publishing world.
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Will Newsweek's digital magazine subscription pricing work? Ken Doctor from Nieman Labs has all the details about Newsweek's relaunch. We found the part about their digital magazine subscription pricing to
First Look Media has been getting a lot of buzz lately. Partly because the media company is backed by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar and its star reporter Glen Greenwald.
HeraldScotland is reporting that it has been maintaining audience growth despite its tight paywall. A staff reporter writes, "HeraldScotland - the only platform in the ABC list to operate a
If you're trying to make your content shareable, you may want to check out The Media Briefing's new post about BuzzFeed's five rules of creating sharable content. We'll dive into
Folio is reporting that the National Journal has opened access to its digital library. Caysey Welton writes, "National Journal rolled out a new database for its members featuring thousands of