We have seen the popularity of the iPad and similar tablet devices within their infancy. We’ve also seen the mobile device market explode. These trends will continue to evolve. In order to utilize the popularity behind these technological advances, it’s important to know who and what you’re really developing your magazine for. Our Digital Publishing Trends posts capture what’s happening in the digital publishing world.
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Crain's New York recently had a chat with President of Condé Nast Bob Sauerberg to talk magazine subscription pricing.
The conversation is so Mequoda that you'd think they were discussing
If you haven't heard of Medium, it's a small little niche blog where everybody is the author. The top authors tend to be C-level execs and start-up founders and the
According Talking New Media, "three months of data from comScore finds that readers that enter a news website directly spend about three times as long on that site as those
Do you have a holiday that only your niche nerds would buy into? Mental Floss does.
In fact, March 14th is one of their best sales days! Mental Floss is magazine
In a harsh but honest review from Talking New Media, D.B. Hebbard says that the Apple Newsstand is starting to look like a "dumpster."
Is it warranted?
His claim is that they're
Any good story is due a hashtag and we're calling it #ForbesLife. What it must be like to be a Forbes right now!
Steve Forbes still hasn't told us who the
Publishers are using maps as viral content for their social channels. Digiday's Ricardo Bilton writes,"The sudden publisher interest in maps today makes sense, considering that — like top 10 lists
Popular Mechanics is getting a new publisher to help it integrate print, digital, and tablet versions. minOnline reports that Cameron Connors has been named as the new publisher of Popular
Keeping the editorial style in check is hard enough for a magazine but making sure that style translates into brand merchandise is another story. Folio has an interview with Josh