Subscription Website Publishing posts focus on how to build and operate a premium subscription website, including how to best align and repurpose your content, increase subscription orders, and best practices for subscription website architecture.
When it comes to showing off a perfectly executed subscription website, they don’t come any more perfect than Along with all our other Mequoda top operators, they’re golden in
The periodical website archetype is often associated with newspaper brands and other news periodicals that include trade papers like Computerworld and Variety.
Periodical subscription websites may also be called news sites,
Back on April 1 Don wrote a post entitled Saving TIME Magazine: or, the Future of All of Us. Don’s vision of the future, even for faltering weekly news magazines,
For a publication with roots deep in the Victorian era, founded by a conservative Scottish hatmaker, The Economist is a surprising innovator in the modern publishing era.
Apparently, despite its stodgy
The newsletter subscription website model is simple, clean and editorially-focused
Newsletter publishers, particularly those on the B-to-B side but also those with consumer titles in the finance and health fields, were
How can a club help you make money?
Mequoda has called one of its paid websites a “membership” website for a decade. Unfortunately, not everyone does as we tell them to
A 2011-12 growth rate in website visitors of 46% … overall revenues up 50% every year (and solely dependent on advertising) … it’s a dream life for Prime Publishing and
At Mequoda, we do a lot of work with clients who are starting from scratch with online publishing and subscription website marketing. They get the full benefit of the Mequoda
A 70X increase in online revenues over the past decade.
That’s the joyous news that Mother Earth News shared with me the other day. And I love to spread such news,
A hybrid website can be many things to a large online audience
Publishers have good reason to create a hybrid website. On one had, the hybrid allows them to operate a