Subscription Website Publishing posts focus on how to build and operate a premium subscription website, including how to best align and repurpose your content, increase subscription orders, and best practices for subscription website architecture.
As we always say, a publisher’s minimum information unit (MIU) is the bedrock on which the best subscription business models are built. Any online publisher who doesn’t bother to understand
Setting up a subscription website could be a costly test if you don't think about these three things first
The answers are not always obvious, even to a seasoned print or
Want to know a great way to confuse, distract and drive away new users? Design a website like a print ad. Go ahead, throw underlines under things that aren't hyperlinks.
A responsive newsletter website brings accessibility to the table
Totally unrelated to publishing, you may have heard that Patagonia recently ditched their app. If you open it, it will tell you
Mequoda has been testing video landing pages for the past few years with great success. In fact, our Intensive attendees have told us repeatedly that our video is what convinced
The sacred elements of any best-practice online magazine business model
Literary perfectionist Gustav Flaubert once said “our ignorance of history makes us slander our own times." He was right on the
Improving direct marketing results is a constant source of discussion for publishers. They are always tracking, evaluating, and testing different offers for their products in order to optimize their results,
The subscription model has a lot of perks and one of them is that subscriber churn rate is much lower than any other product you can offer. Customers don't usually
When a customer agrees to have a specific charge card billed a certain amount for a pre-determined (or sometimes open-ended) period of time, that's recurring billing. It's sometimes called recurring
Subscription billing software allows publishers to manage their customer subscriptions and revenue by storing payment data and processing charges on a recurring basis. Of course, subscriptions have been an important