Subscription Website Publishing posts focus on how to build and operate a premium subscription website, including how to best align and repurpose your content, increase subscription orders, and best practices for subscription website architecture.
The community content business model can bring in users and keep them on your site
When developing your strategic plans for CAROTME (content, audience, revenue, organization, technology, measurement, and economics), it's
The calendar content business model can provide a useful, linkable resource that keeps visitors coming back
It's necessary to know the most ideal business model(s) for publishers, to be able to
The freebie content business model is one website we build for all of our Mequoda Gold Members
Choosing your content focus is a business-critical decision, as the focus you choose pretty
Before any Mequoda client will build a subscription website, they first identify the most fundamental content their users will digest
At Mequoda, we talk a lot about your minimum information unit,
Website architecture refers to the funnel that leads your customers from a page, to a point of interest, like a "buy now" button, or an email subscription form. It refers
Before building out new website business models, inventory your existing content assets
Author and efficiency expert Stephen Covey writes about how difficult it is to reach goals that you don’t have.
If more than 50% of your traffic comes from mobile, it's time for a mobile website analysis to see if you're looking as sleek as you think you are
In an
A visual website architecture map to show how we get from attraction to monetization
When we talk about our signature ACEM methodology (Attract, Capture, Engage, and Monetize) it's easy to stop
As long as you’re selling to humans, you can’t go wrong with classic strategies. The more I read and write about the future of magazines and subscription marketing, the more
The successful user-driven startups of today are the ones who offer subscription-based services. As a magazine or newsletter publisher, you know a subscription-based business takes the revenue of one product