TGIF….almost?! Thursdays can sometimes feel like such long days. Not just because of how much there is to get done or the thought of how close the weekend is. It’s
As much as I love to read, sometimes a printable companion planting chart is a better option. Scientifically speaking, you only need to see something for 13 milliseconds for your
Is there anything more lovely than watching a Monarch butterfly land on Milkweed or Swallowtails on Salvia? With bright oranges framed in black, rich crimson next to iridescent blue, yellows
We’re so happy spring is here! We have fresh, bright projects for you to make that won’t break the bank. From thrifted sheets to your scrap pile to the bottom
Bill Dugan, Editor & Publisher for Food Gardening Network and GreenPrints, was recently delighted to be interviewed by our friend Kathy Jentz for her GardenDC Podcast—they talked about small-space gardening,
Welcome to an exciting new edition of Food Gardening Magazine, the edible perennial issue! This is the time of year when you walk into your favorite gardening store and see
“Digital growth for GreenPrints includes engaging print subscribers online—but rapid and big growth has largely come from Mequoda’s Email Exchange program.”
In less than one year since its new website launch
We have a marketing opportunity that may be of interest to you! You see, we’re looking to grow our publications: Food Gardening Network, GreenPrints, I Like Crochet, I Like Knitting
In like a lion and out like a lamb. That is usually how March is described in New England. For us at Mequoda Publishing Network, March was busy from beginning
Let’s hear it for Spring! Longer, warmer days, bright sunshine — and lots of great projects to knit! Take a look inside the April 2023 issue of I Like Knitting