My brother-in-law, Randy, is always amazed at the website design elements I test when creating new sales letter landing pages. He thinks, that after running the test once or twice
Bristol, RI - August 17, 2005—Over the next 52 weeks Don Nicholas, a Leading Expert on Internet Marketing Strategy for Publishers, Will Share 144 In-depth Case Studies—Absolutely Free
Building a targeted, opt-in free email newsletter database is job one for website publishers who use The Mequoda System. The size of your controlled circulation email newsletter, and the revenue
In the past few months, I've seen results from three different magazine publishers that have each literally turned their source mix on its head. For each of them, a simple
While chatting recently with the publisher of a large, circulation-driven consumer magazine, I was surprised to hear that until about 18 months ago, they had made no effort to generate
A writer and publisher I know was making a good living with his simple, advertising-driven website. His topic is hot and his content is rich in keywords. His site includes
Webpage path analysis for a large advertising-driven consumer website revealed that there was a problem with website usability. Users were bypassing the "browse by category" website navigation in 85 percent
I received a call from a publisher who had recently gotten very aggressive about building an email database by offering website visitors a free email newsletter. It seems that the
The publisher in charge of website branding and increasing targeted website traffic for websites published by a mid-size, mid-western media company was contemplating what to call his new Mequoda Editorial
Strategic Intent is Perhaps the Most Important of the 14 Guidelines. If Users Can't Figure Out Your Website, They Not Only Leave Quickly—They Won't Come Back.