Unity is a not-for-profit organization based on the teachings of Jesus and the healing power of prayer. Their world headquarters in Unity Village, Missouri, provide a tranquil atmosphere for quiet
What both types of CEOs have in common is the need for someone to execute their Internet marketing strategy on a day-to-day basis. Enter the Internet Marketing System General Manager
Discover the simple, keyword-driven Internet Strategy that hundreds of savvy authors, publishers and other information marketers are using to transform their books, magazines or newsletters into multi-million dollar niche media
Mequoda Group announced today that Atkins.com and Better Homes & Gardens (BHG.com) tied for the highest score in the 2006 Mequoda Media Website Design Awards, each earning a 3.86 grade
During 2005, our intrepid research team put the Mequoda Website Design Scorecard to work by using it to perform expert reviews of 48 media websites. With a high score of
Content Webification is Determined by a Website's Functionality in Two Areas: Promotion: How Easy is it to Find the Material? Implementation: How Easy is it to Use the Material?
Publishing on
The Mequoda criteria for community building expect visitors to feel enthusiastic and loyal to the site. Are they inspired with feelings of belonging and encouraged to contribute?
Websites that encourage a
While Persistent Navigation is Now Rather Common, Site Owners Mustn't Become Complacent. Users Must be Crystal Clear About Where They Are, Where They Can Go and How they Can Get
User Task Depth is a Critical Step that a Website Owner Must Succeed In—If a User Can't Accomplish a Simple Task on Your Website, the Frustrated User Will Give Up