Usability and design are two key factors in publishing great websites. You may have a clear strategy and great content, but if your site is unusable and unattractive, it will
When a first-time user lands on your homepage—or any webpage, for that matter—it should be immediately obvious to that user, by simply scanning the screen, what can be accomplished, seen
In business it's location, location, location. And of course online, it's your list, list, list. Back when there was no Internet, the only way to communicate with your prospects or is an online catalog that offers a comprehensive selection of all things wine related. The only thing the site doesn't offer is wine. But that's just fine, as the
We at the Daily try our best to provide content that will be useful and educational to our readers. One way we hope to accomplish this goal is by occasionally
There is no mistaking the current success of Craigslist with their extremely basic website design.
Craigslist (CL) was a simple community classified site started in 1995 by Craig Newmark. The originally-non-profit
Even before the Internet took over our lives, there were marketers who made a great living offline promoting their products and consulting services.
One man, speaker/copywriter/consultant Dan Kennedy, was someone who
Brevity is the soul of wit, according to the Bard. And all the more so online. So of course, someone created rules for you to follow when writing for the
Usability and design are two key factors in publishing great websites. You may have a clear strategy and great content, but if your site is unusable and unattractive, it will
First impressions really do count, especially online. If the look of your site doesn't immediately gain the respect of visitors, you are in trouble.
Studies have shown that visitors decide within