Perhaps you're confident of the words you must use on your website but not how they should be organized. Our usability expert, Roxanne O'Connell, likes to make that a job
As our usability guru, Roxanne O'Connell is fond of saying, the cardinal rule when deciding on which words to use to describe the various departments, sections and categories on your
A question we're often asked is whether the Internet is best used as a product platform or a marketing channel. And the answer, of course, is that it's both. But
Yesterday, we presented the Website Design for Publishers and Authors Bootcamp here in Germany. We spent the first part of the day talking about the different Mequoda Website Archetypes and
I'm writing from my hotel suite in Bonn, Germany where I'm preparing to present 3 Mequoda Bootcamps to German publisher Verlag Norman Rentrop with Don this week.
This is the second
Someone has just signed up for free access to your site, or they've just purchased a product from you. How do you reinforce the positive experience they've had on your
Bristol, RI August 10, 2006 - Publishing luminaries from the B2B and B2C sector will gather in Boston on September 14 & 15, 2006, to share tips, techniques and secrets
The Mequoda Landing Page Scorecard outlines the 12 characteristics a landing page needs to successfully close sales online. And to incorporate all 12 characteristics typically, at least for a consumer
A bulleted list of "secrets" that your product or service promise to reveal can sometimes be the strongest element of your online sales letter. In fact, the words copywriters most