How many people does it take to run a publishing website? The answer varies widely from none to 75 across the several dozen website publishers I've spoken with over the
Call it damage control, call it public relations. Keeping tabs on what others say about you and your organization is crucial.
I introduce to you Google Alert. Google Alert is a
We know that search engines are one of the most important customer-acquisition tools available to publishers in this new multi-platform, or Internet-centric, era of publishing.
But working through the creative-yet-extremely-scientific process
Whether you call it co-registration, co-reg, co-operative registration or third-party lead generation, it's a proven method of securing new leads for your paid publication, provided you have a robust free
Publishers should be using the retail channel—online, offline, or both—and their products sold at retail should, at a minimum, mention a companion website on the package. Even better, the product
By building effective conversion architecture, you can build a direct relationship with the customer—a relationship that can be monetized down the road by targeting marketing messages for relevant products of
When selling a product through the retail channel, always give buyers your URL and a reason to visit to your website. Include, for example, an offer—either implied or overt—that encourages,
Making money online by broadening retail distribution channels
Online sales represented a tiny 2.2 percent of total retail sales in the first quarter of 2006. That means publishers who want to
People use formulas for a reason, and the reason is that they work. An example is the "who else" formula for writing headlines—"Who Else Wants to Speak French Confidently and
Having just conducted a mini-usability test this week with a very confused customer, I have website usability on the brain. We have some tests scheduled for the end of September