Rework your old content into new products in new platforms
Yesterday we discussed how creating products in many platforms can boost your profit.
If you develop a systemized approach to multiplatform publishing,
How to deliver your publication in any platform
Online publishing is a blessing.
The metrics, production costs, marketing options and other benefits create an environment far superior to print publishing. We can
Slow websites push visitors away; speed yours up
Creating your website—or even editing it—is a complicated undertaking.
Many different parts have to work together to satisfy your visitors, and ultimately, satisfy you.
Posting your pubilcation's content online is not a bad idea
There was a slight mistake with yesterday's daily.
When our managing editor said "That means you should rarely—if ever—print an article both
Find out how this email newsletter is raking in revenue and awards
We are happy to announce that the 19th Annual Awards for Publishing Excellence awarded HR Daily Advisor the grand
Increase page views by focusing on repeat visitors
If you're publishing online and in print, you can see which way the wind is blowing. Your website needs to succeed.
As discussed yesterday,
Your website should have incentives for visitors to return frequently
If you're like hundreds of other publishers, you're working both online and in print.
But how much of your total revenue comes
Lost in the online publishing jungle? We have a map.
When bringing your publication online, you're entering a business world unlike any other.
Yesterday's Daily compared publishing online to navigating the Amazon.
Being a pioneer doesn't always pay
Publishing on the Internet is mostly uncharted territory, like the Amazon jungle was 150 years ago.
Some daring publishers have hacked a path to "online profitability"
Is this new system heaven for publishers or hell for users?
Advertising online is an unsettled business. New ways to spread your name online and monetize your website traffic are still