Landing Page Design Tips: Want to know a secret?
Of course, you do. Everyone loves secrets. As Homo sapiens we always want what we can’t have and that includes desiring an edge over our competitors or discovering some nugget of information that’ll add value to all facets of our lives; whether its business, financial, personal or dealing with our health.
And no company can present it to you better than “The Grand Poobah” of them all: Bottom Line Secrets—America’s Best Source of Inside Information.
Their unique style of copywriting, where they communicate with their readers and prospects, is called “fascinations,” and is used a lot in their eye-catching, mesmerizing magalogs.
Using “fascinations,” they tease you with a strong benefit in their headline (and their bullets) that make you so “curious”, you must know more on how they accomplished it. You only have to look at their headline and subhead on the landing page for The Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing to see how they weave their magic.
Headline: Cured! Uncanny Treatments from Outside the Box.
Subhead: Today’s truly exciting new breakthroughs are coming from young scientists and doctors who are approaching medical problems in bold, new ways.Now, when reading this, you might think, “Hmmm, what are these young guns up to?” And if you’re a rebel of modern medicine and believe in either holistic or cutting edge medical discoveries, then you might want to see how it can apply to yourself.
Here are some examples of fascinations they use on that landing page:
Today’s truly exciting new breakthroughs are coming from young scientists and doctors who are approaching medical problems in bold, new ways.
- MS victim told to get a wheelchair. Now jogs 25 miles per week. Page 644
- Force your body to grow new bone—automatically. This simple, proven treatment is now available in most U.S. cities. Page 391
- Woman suffers crippling arthritis—until “a miracle happened.” A month after treatment she was turning cartwheels! Page 682
- Immediate relief from anxiety. Just press a secret spot on your forehead. Transfers energy from your instinctive and irrational “lower brain” to your calm “upper brain.” Page 414
- Natural painkilling enzyme called protease cuts healing time in half! See page 156 for more details.
- This man lost 140 pounds —without a diet! How he did it on page 664.
- Alzheimer’s stopped by a vitamin called coenzyme 1. Completely safe and a must for anyone suffering from this heartbreaking disease. Page 61
- Her wrinkles disappeared. Skin is now as soft as a baby’s. Read all about her dramatic turnaround on page 7
If you want to model your business off a multi-million dollar winner in the marketplace, then this is the place to start.