Adding User Testimonials to Your Landing Page Increases Conversion Rates, as they Comfort and Reassure Your Customers that Other People Have Bought and Been Very Satisfied with your Product or Service
Buyers love having their purchase decisions validated. It comforts and reassures them to know that other customers—just like them—have bought and been very satisfied with your product or service.
The credibility of your product or service is invaluable. The authenticity of your user testimonials must likewise be completely believable. Good, credible testimonials are a vital element of any sales letter.
Landing page guidelines
A testimonial is an endorsement or factual statement of praise from a satisfied customer or celebrity spokesperson.
The most credible testimonial messages feature individuals who share similar demographics to your target prospects or their heroes. Testimonials should be a accurate transcription of your customer’s own words and ideally should include a full identification of the buyer by name, city, state and occupation.
A statement of support for your financial newsletter from Tom S. in North Carolina is obviously less valuable than one from Tom Smith, Certified Financial Planner, from Boone, North Carolina. In fact, under-identified testimonials can inspire suspicion and work against your sales message.
The best testimonials are specific and support your key copy points. They work well when integrated into the sales letter flow and feature genuine results and benefits. Alternatively, they can appear in a separate list of your satisfied customers, especially if yours is a B2B product and you cite respected corporations that have bought from you.
Bob Bly says that a natural, conversation tone adds to believability and notes that using quotation marks to frame the testimonial may increase readership.
The higher the perceived value of a product or service is, the more engaging and believable your testimonials should be. Online voice and photos can add even more credibility.
Noteworthy Examples of Testimonials
The Instant Real Estate Newsletter landing page, features effective, strong testimonials with photos and voice clips of happy customers who have purchased the newsletter.

The Instant Real Estate Newsletter landing page
On the landing page, even before the meat of the letter begins, the prospect gets the first testimonial (right under the headline). There is also a strategically place testimonial that mentions the amount of money one happy customer made from using the book’s information. landing page
The sales letter copy on the Investment U Course landing page is interspersed with seven glowing recommendations. Each is clearly identified by name and credentialed as an authority. Better still, the quotes have a ring of authenticity and real candor. Very believable.
The Tax Loopholes of the Rich landing page has numerous strong, specific testimonials with pictures of satisfied customers.
American Writers and Artists Institute (AWAI) landing page boasts 300 testimonials, although many lack complete identification.
When you have a testimonial from Bob Bly on your front page, let neophytes know that Bob is a prolific author and one of the top commercial writers on the planet.