Five Landing Page Optimization Dos and Don’ts from

Landing Page Optimization Tips from

Perhaps you think self-help gurus such as Dr. Phil, Dr. Laura, Tony Robbins and John Gray are a godsend to troubled Americans. Alternatively, you may believe that many motivational speakers and their how-to books and other quick fixes often eradicate personal responsibility and do more harm than good. Either way, there is no denying that the self-help actualization movement represents a huge—$8 billion annually!!— market for information products. One entrant in the self-help actualization movement market niche is The Power of Positive Habits, an eBook by author Dan Robey.


In a landing page review of, Peter Schaible came up with some do’s and don’ts.

  • Do use more than one headline.
    Each of the four headlines engage the reader with a benefit and urges them to read further.
  • Don’t only offer the freebie in a floater.
    While offering a free e-course and weekly newsletter is good, it’s only offered in the floater. If the user closes the floater, there is not way to sign up elsewhere. This is a missed opportunity.
  • Do use testimonials from well-known authors.
    Two well-known, self-help gurus, Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and Brian Tracy, author of Create Your Own Future, provide high-powered endorsements of the eBook.
  • Don’t sacrifice load time for graphic design.
    Download time was 116.72 seconds at 56K!
  • Do test your design for your audience.
    The target user’s mental model (expectations) are the issue here. Aesthetics is all subjective until you can measure results. I don’t respond well to pages that look like this one. Perhaps other users do.

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