More than a simple “thank you” page
Upsell Landing Pages are specialized landing pages that offer the user an additional product or service as part of the post transaction process. These landing pages allow your company to educate, upsell and interact with your customer.
They are highly effective when properly executed delivering conversion rates as high as 30 percent, depending on the offer. You will sell more products, at higher prices and greater profit margins with dedicated upsell landing pages.
The upsell landing page message is two-fold. When a user requests a free report, first, it thanks the user for requesting the free report and confirms that they will receive an email with further download directions in “five to 10 minutes.” The email confirmation and download instructions will probably arrive much sooner, but we don’t want them to click away to their email client just yet.
Second, the message invites them to spend a few moments reading about a similar paid product that might be of interest. If the customer has actually purchased a paid product, the next page in the order flow should be an upsell landing page for an additional paid product. In this case, the upsell landing page is the ‘thank you’ page that confirms a user’s order for one product while simultaneously making a limited-time or reduced-price offer for a second product.
Designing a good upsell landing page involves linking similar products. Nobody does this more frequently than Buy a single book, and Amazon will suggest another. (”Readers who bought Tom Sawyer also bought Huckleberry Finn.”)
A well crafted “thank you” page should always offer the user an additional paid product or service that is closely related to the product they have just purchased, or to the free report they’re about to download. So many websites offer NO upsell on the thank you page – clearly a missed opportunity.
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