A Healthy Membership Website for Baby Boomers

What hands-on, take-charge-of-your-own-health Baby Boomers really want is reliable information about alternatives to the traditional model of practicing medicine. One tireless medical detective is betting they will pay a premium to access his subscription website for answers.

Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1960) have arrived at middle age, with all its attendant aches, pains and illnesses. But unlike most of their parents, Boomers don’t necessarily revere medical doctors and traditional remedies.

They are much more likely to take an active role in making decisions about their own healthcare treatment and to want more options than simple drug prescriptions. What better place to find exclusive information than on the Internet at a subscription website?

Instead of the ‘cookbook’ approach to disease…that is ‘name that disease and give a drug,’ a growing number of physicians are realizing the tremendous limitation to that approach.  

—Dr. Ron Grisanti

On Monday (January 26, 2004) we discussed the common motivation to lose weight. Many of us want to feel better, look more attractive, have more energy, and win the admiration of other people by getting fit.

Delivering the promise of greater fitness via subscription to an online newsletter is a popular business model for celebrities and established fitness professionals.

That’s an example of wanting something you don’t have. Fitness is the reward of diet and exercise, and marketers motivate us to want it by showing us models with great looking bodies.

But what if we’re sick? What if we’re in real physical pain? That’s an example having something you don’t want.



Cure sells, prevention doesn’t

Trying to sell a healthy man a potion that will prevent prostate pain is nearly impossible. He doesn’t feel the need. “Prevention” doesn’t sell.

But once a man begins to experience severe prostate pain, he’ll spend an almost endless amount of money, without hesitation, to relieve the discomfort.

When you’re in pain, you want relief right now!

But what if you can’t find the help you need?

What if you’re doctor is a shlub? What if he doesn’t or can’t help you?

What if you’ve lost your faith in the medical establishment?

What if you’re tired of being patronized by the medical establishment and prevented from learning the truth about your condition and it’s possible cure?


Enter your online medical detective!

Dr. Ronald Grisanti asks, “Would you like to stop suffering from unnecessary pain?

“Would you like in-depth medically documented alternative solutions for arthritis? Depression? Obesity? Fibromyalgia? Diabetes? High blood pressure? Anxiety? Allergies? Asthma? And other health conditions?”

Dr. Grisanti’s new site, YourMedicalDetective.com, is jam-packed with up-to-date, peer-reviewed medical solutions.

“My primary goal for developing this website is to help you discover all your options in addition to uncovering the real causes behind your disease,” he says.

“Unlike the pharmaceutical or supplement funded sites, that may offer “one-sided” information, YourMedicalDetective.com counts on the financial support of its members, thus allowing me to provide reliable, unbiased medical solutions not easily found anywhere else.”


The voice of experience

Dr. Grisanti admits to having had health problems of his own and has tried acupuncture, homeopathy, herbs, chiropractic, hypnosis, meditation, massage, and applied kinesiology, all to no avail.

Then he was introduced to the field of functional diagnostic medicine. Doctors practicing functional diagnostic medicine say they are able to identify the real causes of many health conditions by combining the results of scientifically documented tests.

Dr. Grisanti says these are not your standard medical tests but go the next level, investigating the biochemical and metabolic “glitches” likely to cause a specific disease process.

Instead of the “cookbook” approach to disease…that is “name that disease and give a drug”, a growing number of discerning physicians are realizing the tremendous limitation to that approach.

The articles on this site seem down to earth and answer such questions as Do you know what to do if you pull your hamstring? and Do you know what steps to take to naturally lower your blood pressure? and What is a Lumbar disc herniation?

Resources at YourMedicalDetective.com include a library of animated exercises, book reviews and numerous monographs on nutraceuticals, herbal remedies, vitamins, minerals, toxicology and acupressure.

The membership fee for YourMedicalDetective.com is $49.95 per year or $7.95 per month.


The potential for subscription online health newsletters

Dr. Grisanti’s site is not without competition. Harris Interactive reports that the number of people in the US going online for health information has risen from 54 million in 1998 to 110 million as of March 2002. Those numbers are two years old and doubtless much great today.

There are dozens if not hundreds of other websites that dispense healthcare advice. But Dr. Grisanti has worked hard to establish a brand and create his own unique selling proposition.

Medical Detective! It sounds intriguing and mysterious.

Dr. Grisanti’s credentials appear to be in order. He is a tireless researcher and prolific writer.

Without a formal announcement of his new website (known as a “soft” launch) he already has subscribers logging on as far away from his South Carolina home as New Zealand, Jamaica, Iceland, Denmark and Venezuela.

Which suggests just how far some people will go when motivated to find relief from pain.


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