Montes de Oca Delivers on Social Media Insights
True or false, asked Wendy Montes de Oca, best-selling author of Content is Cash: Leveraging Great Content and the Web for Increased Traffic, Sales, Leads and Buzz, at a roundtable at last month’s Marketing Conference in Miami. “I don’t need to market my social media accounts; people will find me with the right keywords.”
“Not really…you do need to market your social media accounts,” she said. “Think of your social marketing efforts as an extension of your brand and implement Social Marketing Branding. Remember to include your social media account profile name, link or icon on most everything you do: email auto signature, ezine issues, RSS feeds, Website home page, business cards, PowerPoint presentation cover page, footers and end slide, press releases and in cross-marketing on other social sites.”
Montes de Oca will be revealing more social media tips tomorrow, Jan. 26, as the lead speaker on SIPA’s webinar at 1 p.m. EST. (The webinar is easy to register for and free for members.) This is another in a terrific series that SIPA has been holding in the last year. Even better, the transcripts of these webinars are all on the SIPA website. (See below for the list of 2011 webinars.)
Back to the true or false. With social marketing I don’t need an ezine or free newsletter. “False,” said Montes de Oca. “With social media marketing, you give something (entertaining, interesting, value-oriented posts) and should get something tangible in return, such as an email address.”
True or false, social media can’t be measured. “False. Even better, the tools are all free and based off of good old-fashioned direct response and public relations metrics—outputs, outcomes and objectives. Outputs measure effectiveness and efficiency. Outcomes measure behavioral changes. Objectives measure business objectives and sales.” She recommends Google Analytics, Google Alerts, Back-link checkers and your own in-house stats for sign-ups.
True or false, there’s nothing you can do to increase your presence in Twitter; it’s all random. “False. Keep your tweets useful, relevant and entertaining. This helps popularity and follower engagement. Tweet often (several times per day). [Use an] eye-catching profile image so your tweets grab attention and stand out from all the other Timeline ‘noise.’ Reply to people if they retweet or mention you. Use hashtags (#) with targeted keywords, to help visibility in search results.”
Montes de Oca emphasizes that social media is like direct marketing in that you’re aiming for interaction and results that are measureable. “It’s relationship marketing if you know how to be a strategic thinker as well as be creative with your marketing messages. In other words, what to say, where to say it and who to say it to. Targeting is key.” Definitely register for tomorrow for more great information.
Here are the webinars from 2011 on the SIPA website:
– Group Sales and Site Licenses: Or How to Learn to Love Writing Commission Checks
– Going Mobile for Publishers: Developing a Content-Delivery System for an Increasingly Portable World
– Email Marketing for Publishers: How to Improve Deliverability, Readability and Results Without Increasing Your Opt-Outs
– Managing Your Company’s Social Media Exposures and Insurance Coverage Issues
– How to Develop a Profitable Direct-Mail Campaign
– The Secrets of a Successful Ad-Sales Program: How to Increase Revenue by Going Beyond the Typical Subscription Model
Tune in shortly for
SIPA’s Weekly Twitter Chat
Today’s subject: Re-purposing Your Content
Learn new ideas and get your questions answered
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012, 12 p.m. EST
using the hashtag #NicheInfo.
If you don’t already have a Twitter chat client,
we recommend TweetChat.com.
Once you are on their site,
simply log in through your Twitter account,
type in the hashtag #NicheInfo, and you’re set!
See you soon on Twitter!
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