via Time Inc.
Time Inc. is partnering with IFTTT (if this then that) with the goal of “boosting cross-channel distribution of its digital content,” according to Media Post.
This partnership, which debuts Channels on IFTTT, will begin with major titles like People and Entertainment Weekly. “The Channels on IFTTT service will allow consumers to access, share, and store content from Time Inc. magazines across a wide range of apps and devices, including Twitter, Tumblr, Evernote, Pocket, iOS and Android, while preserving the provenance of each piece of content.“
This advancement in technology affords Time Inc. the ability to reach its audience in unique ways. For instance, users can choose to get content delivered to their mobile device, receive articles that go viral, get email roundups with the week’s content, or receive automated distribution to their social network feeds on Twitter or Facebook.
Read more about Time Inc.’s partnership with IFTTT at Media Post.