via Digiday
Digiday reports that one-third of Americans are looking for their news online, and last week, it profiled publishers who are doing a better job than The New York Times when it comes to helping them find it.
The Guardian: It “has social media staffers embedded in each news desk, requiring each section editor to integrate social media strategies into the workflow. In the U.S., a social media team is constantly testing new ways of getting the newsroom to engage with readers on social media.”
BuzzFeed: “[H]alf of BuzzFeed’s traffic comes to the site from Facebook; even though those visitors tend not to stick around as long as direct visitors, what BuzzFeed gives up in engagement, it makes up for in volume.”
USA Today: “Our feeling is that we want to have as strong a news report on social as we do in print, online and on video,” Editor-in-chief Dave Callaway told Digiday. “I try to tell the staff that, imagine we didn’t have a paper and our site went dark and people were trying to get news from us. Are we doing enough to try to get the news of the day out?”
Lucky: “The magazine, where 15 percent of its traffic comes from social platforms, encourages its staffers to cultivate their own voice on social media. For the less savvy, there are seminars on social media best practices and training in Instagram and other platforms.”
To read more about publishers’ self-promotion efforts via social media, visit Digiday.
No surprises here Social Media is dominate it just about every element of life now, Facebook pages for cornflakes, twitter accounts for pets. Where will it all end?
regards dexterroona