PodCamp NYC 2.0 Coverage: The Economics of Aggregation

Travell Perkins on Aggregation

The Economics of Aggregation with Travell Perkins of TravellPerkins.com and RGBDaily.com

Travell Perkins from TravellPerkins.com and the upcoming RGBDaily.com opened this session at PodCamp NYC 2.0 by saying “attention is the currency of the web”. He stressed the fact that you are taking the demand for different types of content that is needed.

These were his thoughts on this “currency”:

  • Focus on attention before money
  • Build a quality product/service/content that will build an audience
  • Aggregation is about concentrating attention by concentrating the demand of several sources


Perkins told the audience to ask themselves these aggregation questions: Does it blend? When you’re trying to pair things together, does it make sense as a package? Does one demand curve tell you anything else about another demand curve?

This was Perkins’ partial list of some different aggregation sources out there:

Search Aggregation:

  • Google it! (On-demand aggregation)
  • Good content will get you everywhere
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps

Content Warehouses:

  • Enables search and aggregation for a particular media (multimedia, rich documents)
  • Content centric vs. people centric
  • Examples: Flickr.com, YouTube.com, Scribd.com

Content Syndication


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