HELP! What do I write about next?!?
Online publishing comes in many forms. If you are writing and creating content for any of the following products, you are an online publisher.
- E-newsletters
- Magazine articles
- Blogs
- E-books
- Special reports
- White papers
- CDs
- DVDs
- Podcast
- Online conferences
- Live events
- Tele-seminars
One of the biggest challenges facing any writer can be writer’s block. Here are some suggestions to prevent writer’s block.
Planning. For a daily blogger, stay at least a week ahead of schedule. For magazine, books and conferences as much as 6 months in advance.
Variety. Write about a variety of subjects within your niche.
Brainstorming. Hold a meeting to share and bounce stories off each other and refine ideas to make them most compelling for readers.
Focus Group. Ask your readers what they’d like to read about but never see in your publication or website.
Reviews. Write an honest, unbiased review about a product, service, book, event or whatever fits you niche.
Peers. Establish working relationships with other online publishers through journalism associations and ask them if they’d help you refine story ideas or let you bounce ideas off them.
Networking. Attend conferences, seminars, and meetings in your publication’s field of interest. You will meet new sources and learn new ideas.
Interviews. You can always find another online publisher within your niche to interview.
Research. Spend time reading and researching your topics to get a well-rounded view, maybe even a new viewpoint you hadn’t thought of yet.
Challenge Yourself. Pick a new topic that you’re not as familiar with, research it well and really get your creative juices flowing.
Storytime. Tell a personal story with a lesson learned that you can share with your audience.
Updates. Readers always enjoy the “where are they now” type articles. This can be applied to just about anything you’ve written. Changes in people, products, policies or strategies can easily become a great update piece.
Vacation. If you’re still blocked, take a break. That may be a vacation, or just pushing back a deadline and letting the subject rest.